APP - A hard question...!


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When a person with limited means is facing an expensive medical procedure that will save his life....

Who should decide if he gets that procedure?
In America - an insurance company death panel

In Europe - a government death panel

In an ideal world - a publicly quoted company death panel with government oversight.
I perfer a Government "death panel" over a profit hungry "insurance company"!
I perfer a Government "death panel" over a profit hungry "insurance company"!

Have you ever dealt with the Social Security office? Their standard response to any request for disability or payments is to deny it at least once. I actually had a caseworker tell a member of my family that they are told to deny everything. Then this same caseworker made the remark that they thought my relative would die before his case would get thru all the channels.

Profit hungry is better. At least they can use the charity to lower their taxes or for PR. The gov't doesn't care at all.
Have you ever dealt with the Social Security office? Their standard response to any request for disability or payments is to deny it at least once. I actually had a caseworker tell a member of my family that they are told to deny everything. Then this same caseworker made the remark that they thought my relative would die before his case would get thru all the channels.

Profit hungry is better. At least they can use the charity to lower their taxes or for PR. The gov't doesn't care at all.

That is true about SSDisability, I have never heard of a case being approved the first time up.
No one....six free nights at the local Hospice, one free ticket to the Make a Wish Foundation fund raiser and if he can walk out on his own two legs he gets a stuffed plushie.....
When a person with limited means is facing an expensive medical procedure that will save his life....

Who should decide if he gets that procedure?

The person in question will have to decide if the procedure/their life is worth giving up his home and or any wealth he might have.
Or just decide to die so the surviving spouse will have a home to live in.
When a person with limited means is facing an expensive medical procedure that will save his life....

Who should decide if he gets that procedure?
Apparently he is by not walking into a hospital emergency room, getting treated and filing for medicaid. *shrug*
Have you ever dealt with the Social Security office? Their standard response to any request for disability or payments is to deny it at least once. I actually had a caseworker tell a member of my family that they are told to deny everything. Then this same caseworker made the remark that they thought my relative would die before his case would get thru all the channels.

Profit hungry is better. At least they can use the charity to lower their taxes or for PR. The gov't doesn't care at all.

Are you discussing money from SS for disabillity or a decision to be made in a life threatening situation? There is a difference.
Have you tried collecting on a private disability policy or Workman's Comp for comparison?
With an emergency health situation there may be no second try.
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I would say, with the knowledge that the person employed to make those decisions in the private sector is being paid based on the volume of his rejections, I would prefer the government.

The government is officially at least supposed to look out for us. The corporate employee's job is to maximize his employers profit.
When a person with limited means is facing an expensive medical procedure that will save his life....

Who should decide if he gets that procedure?

Oh I know, I know, waving hand widely! The government! They care about me!
Are you going to answer my question?

I went to a few sites and they do not seem to tell you. Just want you to sign up and see if you qualify. But states are different.

I know from experience of others if you have anything you have to get rid if it first. And for a single middle aged male to get it is nearly impossible. You must be around the poverty income limit and not own a home, etc. The value of one auto is figured in. Pregnant women and children first.
A friend has been trying to get on it for a long time. He has diabetes bad too.

It is much easier to qualify for food stamps.
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