A hot mic caught Rep. Matt Gaetz reassuring Roger Stone that the 'boss' would grant

You're welcome. Did you see "A Beautiful Mind" with Russel Crow as the real life John Nash? Great flick. You can lead a normal life.


Good movie. I like normal. The direction of your postings is, again, not what I expected. It's guilty behavior. What are you hiding?

It's often true. Why do people hide their true selves on an anonymous forum except out of fear of being revealed?
This is getting complicated. Concart asked, "Why do you suppose he asked for a pardon?"
Why do you think Gaetz asked for a pardon?
Because he's guilty.
Agreed: Matt Gaetz is guilty of statutory rape and treason.

The irony is that he fucked up by trusting Pedo Don to pardon him. Matt is Flounder to Pedo Don's Otter in Animal House. Soon he'll BURN for it. LOL

Otter : Flounder, you can't spend your whole life worrying about your mistakes! You fucked up... you trusted us! Hey, make the best of it! Maybe we can help.