A lack of far sight is what makes Dem seem sometimes to act like traitors
A lack of far sight is what makes Dems unable to recognize the unsuitability or even the inferiority of their ideas.
A lack of far sight is what makes Dems unable to recognize the unsuitability or even the inferiority of their ideas.
After the outrageous Afghanistan debacle, only hostile aliens and America betrayers haven't taken a good look at the ruin Joe Biden has left in his wake the entire 9 months he's been in office.
Hostile aliens, America betrayers and those born without the gift of far sight.
That gift is what separates an educated Liberal fool and an average American Conservative patriot.
Conservatives can connect the dots and recognize a disastrous policy decision before it is too late.
Libs, on the other hand, are mostly unable to see how things will turn out just by looking at the indicators.
Most Libs have to actually have the anvil in a cartoon setting actually fall on them to recognize the danger of standing below an anvil suspended by a skinny rope.
It's a birth condition, like the ability to carry a tune or keep rhythm.
You can go through life without the lack of far sight ever adversely affecting you.
But when it comes to politics, those without the gift of far sight try to make America do things that are bad for us because you guys can't see how your fads and fashions will imperil US.
That's why we so often accuse you of being traitors.
Because we think that EVERYBODY has enough sense to know stupid, ill-advised policies, when in reality, most Dems really don't have that gift.
And because of the way Conservatives are created, we are sorely challenged to be able to adequately convey to you what we can see as plain as day.
And because we can't explain it well enough to you in a way you can understand, you think your way is better.
And then the final cruel twist of nature (which is exploited by those enemies of America who you befriend and empower to harm us more and more thoroughly) is that after the results show that we were right and you were wrong, when you guys should recognize that we have a better knack for doing what's best for America, you shut yourselves off from learning anything from the experience.
Why? Because it bruises your egos and we don't rub your noses in it well enough to make you learn from experience you caused us all to go through.
(Conservatives would have avoided the bad decision in the first place because we have far sight which most Dems lack.)
And because we are humble, nice people who just want to get along, we don't get in your faces to make sure you have learned your lessons.
(You all would draw the wrong conclusions anyway and make us sorry we even tried to school you.)
But these stereotypes of Conservatives is changing because we are losing our country thanks to you and that should be what all patriots are most concerned with.
And if you look at Biden et al, you know he will escort America to the gates of hell and he must be driven from office at least by 2024.
But those of you who still consider yourselves patriots and Democrats, are brain washed by a dishonest media which reported 96% negatively on Trump, and you lack the ability to know that you are being duped.
And if I try to point it out, you will get defensive and disregard the evidence.
And you guys are directly responsible for empowering all of the bad that has happened to America the past four years and you haven't the slightest indication that what I say is true.
And yet, you believe you know better than I do about which side or party or POTUS or ideology is the better one for America even though you have never bothered to look at anything but the point of view of those who feed you with lies and misconceptions.