A lack of far sight is what makes Dem seem sometimes to act like traitors

there not, you are just too stupid to understand them

The evidence suggests you are full of sass but sassiness can't obscure the facts.

We told you Biden was not as capable as Trump.

And now we can see that we were right.

You can see we were right, but your ego prevents you from learning from the outcome caused by your 'birth defect.'

If you love America, and the 2020 election was held a second time knowing what we know about Biden, would you still vote for Biden?
I do love America. You support the storming of the Capitol. You want Trump as a dictator. That is you hating America.

Everyone knows you are lying and promoting a highly partisan and specious* narrative to hide your alien orientation.

You are hiding your true loyalties behind Liberal arguments.

And liberals, who care more about winning an argument than doing what's best for America, are your willing dupes.

* spe•cious spē′shəs►

Having the ring of truth or plausibility but actually fallacious.
The Regressives suffer from:

Bad ideas

Cognitive laziness

Profound ignorance

A lack of interests in the truth

unearned certainty and superiority

A lack of human decency and grace

All of those points are true.

But if they were blessed with the ability to peer into the future by connecting the dots before them and predicting the logical or most likely outcome based on what they can presently see, they wouldn't think, say or do many of the silly, stupid, problematic things they do.
Trying to pretend that Trump was about human decency and Grace just means you are a drug addled inbred moron

You hate him because he is the only one who has the ability and willingness to flatten your ideological fantasies.
yep, everybody needs that god given gift of far sight...or corrective vision glasses. god, you are such a moron.

Well, you deny being an alien anti-American ideologue and you'd likely deny lacking far sight.

You will have to deal with reality eventually.