A Lesson on Socialism

The premise is bullshit, what do you want to discuss, separating the seeds?

Of coiurse you consider it BS.
That would be because it goes completely against what you're professing and you can't refute the premise; therefore you attack it.
Of course you consider it BS.
That would be because it goes completely against what you're professing and you can't refute the premise; therefore you attack it.

Socialism outside of a free market fails; inside the free market it kills the free market.

The point of the analogy is easily shown for its value in practical truth. If you have slackers who do not care about their grade enough to work for it and you then tie that attitude to the collective you get mediocrity at best and failure at worst.
Of coiurse you consider it BS.
That would be because it goes completely against what you're professing and you can't refute the premise; therefore you attack it.

I'm attacking its honesty not the point you're trying to make.
It's bullshit, a childish tale that never happened! Can't you find something real to illustrate your point? If you can't, is it worth it?
Socialism outside of a free market fails; inside the free market it kills the free market.

The point of the analogy is easily shown for its value in practical truth. If you have slackers who do not care about their grade enough to work for it and you then tie that attitude to the collective you get mediocrity at best and failure at worst.

Ah yes, black is bad, white is good, and gray is not permitted.

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So: instead of discussing the premise of the offering, you would rather just throw a hissy-fit. :tantrum:

At least you're staying true to form. :bdh:

So now asking for some verification before carrying the discussion any further is "throwing a hissy fit"?

Just give me the name of the Professor.


Or at which place of higher learning the event took place.

Or you could just call me more names...we got a whole new bunch of friends here at JPP waiting to see how you respond. You can either provide an answer and we can try and move beyond the partisan bickering that marked the WOT board or you can show a whole new crop of posters how you used to be famous for ingoring even the simplest request from a liberal.
I'm attacking its honesty not the point you're trying to make.
It's bullshit, a childish tale that never happened! Can't you find something real to illustrate your point? If you can't, is it worth it?

So why don't you address the point being made, instead of showing that you can't refute what it offers.

You voted for HOPE, without it ever being defined and yet you run scared from a simple analogy.

How typical.
So now asking for some verification before carrying the discussion any further is "throwing a hissy fit"?

Just give me the name of the Professor.


Or at which place of higher learning the event took place.

Or you could just call me more names...we got a whole new bunch of friends here at JPP waiting to see how you respond. You can either provide an answer and we can try and move beyond the partisan bickering that marked the WOT board or you can show a whole new crop of posters how you used to be famous for ingoring even the simplest request from a liberal.

You're behaving in exactly the Liberal way.
Anytime that something is presented that completely destroys your agenda, you rant and rave about it's "VERIFICATION", rather then address the premise.
It's because the premise completely detroys your agenda.

Now; you can continue to run like a scalded cat, or you can man up and address what was presented.

I particularly liked that part about "a whole new bunch of friends here at JPP..."; seeing as how me trying to argue the idea could be seen that I'm saying they're your enemies, which is just another liberal "rant-du-jour".

Maybe THEY are waiting to see how much integrity you really have!! :eek:
You're behaving in exactly the Liberal way.
Anytime that something is presented that completely destroys your agenda, you rant and rave about it's "VERIFICATION", rather then address the premise.
It's because the premise completely detroys your agenda.

Now; you can continue to run like a scalded cat, or you can man up and address what was presented.

I particularly liked that part about "a whole new bunch of friends here at JPP..."; seeing as how me trying to argue the idea could be seen that I'm saying they're your enemies, which is just another liberal "rant-du-jour".

Maybe THEY are waiting to see how much integrity you really have!! :eek:

Looks like they're good friends. Seems Superfreak is using Zappie's baby picture as his avatar... :dance:
What a surprise!

Fat jokes from disloyal.

That was awl you had on the WOT, and it's the only thing you've got here.

Some things never change.

As you have so eloquently demonstrated ZapFat. It's AWL about shooting the Messenger.

Deal with what you wrought Whopper Breath and quit being a :crybaby:
You're behaving in exactly the Liberal way.
Anytime that something is presented that completely destroys your agenda, you rant and rave about it's "VERIFICATION", rather then address the premise.
It's because the premise completely detroys your agenda.

Now; you can continue to run like a scalded cat, or you can man up and address what was presented.

I particularly liked that part about "a whole new bunch of friends here at JPP..."; seeing as how me trying to argue the idea could be seen that I'm saying they're your enemies, which is just another liberal "rant-du-jour".

Maybe THEY are waiting to see how much integrity you really have!! :eek:

The Power of Hope:

A philosophy professor said he had never failed a single student before but had, once, failed an entire class. The class had insisted that socialism worked - and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer for all, for society. The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism.

He said that all grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone was given a B. The students who studied hard were upset, and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who hadn't studied much decided they owed it to their classmates to try harder for the better of everyone's grades, and the ones who studied hard were motivated to study even harder. The second Test average was a B+! Everyone was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an A-!

The scores increased as civility and cooperation won out over bickering, blame and name calling. All passed .... and the professor was fired for spreading his political beliefs in the classroom. The reward of success often goes to those that work harder, but when government offers change which offers everyone hope; most will try harder, so all will succeed.


How about that?

I can make up tales to back my beliefs too...or did I?

Maybe it happened...maybe it's a metaphor.

Until you can prove your story is true, then all you've posted is some FICTIONAL TALE with no more relevence to the discussion than mine has.
So why don't you address the point being made, instead of showing that you can't refute what it offers.

You voted for HOPE, without it ever being defined and yet you run scared from a simple analogy.

How typical.

It is you running from straightforward discussion with falsehood and intransigence.
You can't make a point without posting bullshit, then you want to discuss it. On your own, what is your point? You want me to discuss what with you with your childish idiocy down below? You don't have the ability to insult me, yet you make your attempts and then demand discussion on your level.
Here's the whole of it, does Socialism always work? Absolutely not. Does Socialism never work? Absolutely not. Does some socialism sometimes work? Yes, ask Denmark, the happiest country on earth. Go find me slums or hunger in Europe. Check out infrastructure in Europe or Asia and compare it to ours. Ride on a train, subway, or bus there then do the same here.
What is your experience with Socialism outside of watching Fox and reading whatever it is you read? I believe you don't know socialism when you see it, particularly when it applies to corporate welfare.
To put the record straight, I have been an entrepeneur since leaving service, having started several businesses, some successful some not so successful, but, overall, I came out quite well, thank you. Do I think well-placed socialism can work in instances where free market, profit motivated business has failed? You're damn right and healthcare is one of them.
Now, my friend, make your point with honest examples.
what you're attempting to do is remove ALL, every single shred of, responsibility for the buyer to be careful of what they buy. why are you trying to create a class of people with no ability to think for themselves?

I'm suggesting honesty in business. Knowledge in business. Integrity in business rather than a bunch of scam artists running around and society glorifying them.

That's why there are laws against claiming a certain product cures diseases unless it has been tested. That's why Real Estate agents require licenses.

There's no shortage of wanna-be entrepreneurs.

People scream when social programs are suggested to help the needy but when it comes to a contractor doing shoddy work or someone selling a defective product, if they manage to make a living cheating people, they are admired.

Why are there such things as LLC companies anyway or a business owner's private holdings separate from their business? Why should their responsibility/liability be limited if it's shown their actions caused damage?

What incentive is there other than open a business, scam as many people as possible, then fold up the business?

Years ago, I attended a trade show (in the spring) looking for replacement windows for a building I had purchased. There were a number of companies offering good quality, brand name products. I took a couple of business cards while there.

Later I phoned a government number which issues licenses to home improvement companies. The government keeps track of who owns the company and if there are any complaints filed against it.

One company advertised it had been in business for over five years. When checking on it the company had been owned by a "Mr. Bob Smith" and then a Mrs. B. Smith and prior to that by a Mr. M. Smith and previously by a John Smith.

Follow the scam? The company installs windows with a 10 year warranty. Sounds great. Even if the company goes out of business the windows are a national brand so, no problem.....or so it may appear.

Well, every year, after the spring and summer rush, the company folds. Out of business. It didn't have any assets as it consisted of a guy with a pick-up truck and his buddy. The company goes bankrupt. The name is then "sold" to the wife or the son or the uncle and next spring the business is up and running, free of all warranties.

I chose what I believed was a reputable company. It checked out and, like I said, the windows were a national brand so I couldn't go wrong, or so I thought. Well, as fate would have it one window had a problem. I phoned the company I dealt with and, upon inspection, they advised me to call the company which made the windows as the window was defective.

The window manufacturing company sent a rep and I was told the window was fine. It didn't operate properly because it was installed incorrectly. Thanks and have a good day!

I called the installation company and they insisted it was the window. Fortunately, my wife had suggested we hold the equivalent of the cost of one window for 30 days until we were sure all the windows worked.

To make a long story short the installation guy was paid for 14 of the 15 windows because it wasn't worth it to him to remove and re-install the defective window. We never paid him and he really didn't care. We've since sold the building so I have no idea how the other windows are holding up.

That's small business. That's small business with laws that protect the incompetent crooks. So when it comes to sob stories concerning the struggling entrepreneur and how government regulation is a burden on them you can see why I hold a different view.

Where is the logic and decency to be able to open and operate a business without proper know-how and when a problem arises just fold it up and walk away? Is that really what makes a society great?
It is you running from straightforward discussion with falsehood and intransigence.
You can't make a point without posting bullshit, then you want to discuss it. On your own, what is your point? You want me to discuss what with you with your childish idiocy down below? You don't have the ability to insult me, yet you make your attempts and then demand discussion on your level.
Here's the whole of it, does Socialism always work? Absolutely not. Does Socialism never work? Absolutely not. Does some socialism sometimes work? Yes, ask Denmark, the happiest country on earth. Go find me slums or hunger in Europe. Check out infrastructure in Europe or Asia and compare it to ours. Ride on a train, subway, or bus there then do the same here.
What is your experience with Socialism outside of watching Fox and reading whatever it is you read? I believe you don't know socialism when you see it, particularly when it applies to corporate welfare.
To put the record straight, I have been an entrepeneur since leaving service, having started several businesses, some successful some not so successful, but, overall, I came out quite well, thank you. Do I think well-placed socialism can work in instances where free market, profit motivated business has failed? You're damn right and healthcare is one of them.
Now, my friend, make your point with honest examples.

Well you're sure going to a lot of trouble with a lot of words to tell the bullshitter he isn't worth your time.

Why don't you quit the crap and admit that what you really want here is someone that blithely follows exactly what you believe and that intellectual debate is just a couple of words you enjoy typing?

Who the hell do you think you are? Moses fer chrissakes? If you don't like the analogy then STFU belme and move on to a subject that feels warm and cozy. Dragging you kicking and screaming to get you to comment is a bore.
Well you're sure going to a lot of trouble with a lot of words to tell the bullshitter he isn't worth your time.

Why don't you quit the crap and admit that what you really want here is someone that blithely follows exactly what you believe and that intellectual debate is just a couple of words you enjoy typing?

Who the hell do you think you are? Moses fer chrissakes? If you don't like the analogy then STFU belme and move on to a subject that feels warm and cozy. Dragging you kicking and screaming to get you to comment is a bore.

Did you hear that guys? Conservatism is immune to criticism. If you attempt to criticize it, you are wrong, and should go away.
Well you're sure going to a lot of trouble with a lot of words to tell the bullshitter he isn't worth your time.

Why don't you quit the crap and admit that what you really want here is someone that blithely follows exactly what you believe and that intellectual debate is just a couple of words you enjoy typing?

Who the hell do you think you are? Moses fer chrissakes? If you don't like the analogy then STFU belme and move on to a subject that feels warm and cozy. Dragging you kicking and screaming to get you to comment is a bore.

You are as inconseqential as ever.