Scut Farkus
I've said that both were restrictive and bad from the beginning. You again attempt to erect the same straw man to argue and still forget to clothe it. (Tangent)
The feat of inanity is the proclamation that "no government" will get you what you want, and the insistence of its validity against all evidence in past and modern history. Unless you propose you would somehow be one of the "warlords" (modern version of feudal Lord), your situation would be decidedly worse than it currently is once your goal had been met.
Now, can we get to speaking of how to change what we currently have to the best system to ensure the most personal freedoms, or do you again want to insist that the goal of no government at all is a noble one?
Sometimes just hitting the reset button is a good thing. Our government now is immune from real change from within the legal framework.
Please discontinue your haughtiness, you just aren't all that.