A Liberty Based Society

you have just made clear you dont know what the federalist papers are

You have made it clear that you are unaware that most of the Republicans opposed the original Constitution because it had no Bill Of Rights. Madison only supported it because he played a major roll in the writing of it and the compromise that established the final document. He argued to his Republican colleagues that a Bill Of Rights could be added later, as it was 2 years later satisfying the Republicans. The Federalist like Adams and Hamilton opposed the Bill Of Rights arguing that it wasn’t necessary and it afforded too much power and too many rights to the States and curtailed Federal power.
what were the partys names at the time?

There were no official parties only news media labels. Jefferson and Madison were labeled as “Democratic Republicans” who favored limited federal government and States Rights and Adams and Hamilton were labeled as “Federalist.” Who favored a BIG authoritarian federal government and limited States Rights.
Thank goodness Jefferson didn't get his way.

If you had any historical knowledge you’d know that Jefferson and Madison are credited as the founders of Democratic Republicanism, i. e. “Constitutional Republicanism” which abolish federalism and controlled the Federal government and State governments for most of the first 50 years of the American Union. Seems Jefferson “had his way” until he died, huh?
There were no official parties only news media labels. Jefferson and Madison were labeled as “Democratic Republicans” who favored limited federal government and States Rights and Adams and Hamilton were labeled as “Federalist.” Who favored a BIG authoritarian federal government and limited States Rights.

Jefferson NAMED his own party
You have made it clear that you are unaware that most of the Republicans

opposed the original Constitution because it had no Bill Of Rights. Madison only supported it because he played a major roll in the writing of it and the compromise that established the final document. He argued to his Republican colleagues that a Bill Of Rights could be added later, as it was 2 years later satisfying the Republicans. The Federalist like Adams and Hamilton opposed the Bill Of Rights arguing that it wasn’t necessary and it afforded too much power and too many rights to the States and curtailed Federal power.

see you dont know what your talking about

The Democratic-Republican Party was the political party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791-93. It stood in opposition to the Federalist Party and controlled the Presidency and Congress, and most states, from 1801 to 1824, during the First Party System. It split after the 1824 presidential election into two parties: the Democratic Party and the short-lived National Republican Party (later succeeded by the Whig Party, many of whose adherents eventually founded the modern Republican Party)

He seemed to think we were a democracy huh
see you dont know what your talking about


The Democratic-Republican Party was the political party organized by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in 1791-93.

He seemed to think we were a democracy huh

The Federalist Papers are a series of 85 articles and essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay promoting the ratification of the United States Constitution. Seventy-seven were published serially in The Independent Journal and The New York Packet between October of 1787 and August 1788.

As anyone that is sane can determine by the above, there were NO actual political parties in 1787 and the Democratic Republican Party wasn’t organized until 3 years later in 1791 Tis you Goober that hasn’t a fucking clue what you’re talking about.
He seemed to think we were a democracy huh

Actually Goober he knew we were a “Constitutional Republic” who’s representation in government was elected by “democratic” action and who’s representatives were sworn to preserve, protect and defend the ”CONSTITUTION” as opposed to the mob rule of any majority of fucking left-wing or right-wing busybody authoritarians.
No! They created a great experiment in government. Unfortunately it like every form of government has its flaws. But the idea of a Constitutional Republic was the best idea ever and to this day.

But they weren’t all “federalist.” As a matter of fact most turned out to be “Republicans.” Of the traditional flavor. It was the Republicans like Jefferson and Madison among them that demanded and got the “Bill Of Rights” & established the Presidency, instead of a King.

Oh so you are claiming here that hamiloton wanted a king?

lying is not how you get to the facts
the definition of Democracy is clear

why do you lie about it

Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham

If it’s a lie Goober, take it up with the historian author “Jon Meacham” who writes extensively in his Jefferson biography “The Art Of Power” about Jefferson’s arguments with Adams and Hamilton’s federalist notion of an American King being imported from England. Its apparent that you’re not well studied in American History, huh Goober? http://www.bing.com/search?q=the+ar...DF&pq=the+art+of+power&sc=8-16&sp=-1&qs=n&sk=
This was a conservative version of John Lennon's song Imagine.

But how many conservatives have given up and wont fight the good fight?

Why say the Hell with it and let the liberals control everything?

Absolute virtue is impossible because we are flawed as humans but should that mean we shouldn't strive for it any longer?

If we fight for all these goals and we get just half of them, just half, imagine how much better our country will become and how much more freedom we will restore.
the definition of Democracy is clear

why do you lie about it

the free and equal right of every person to participate in a system of government, often practiced by electing representatives of the people by the majority of the people

What don’t you understand about the word “REPRESENTATIVES” Goober? Where does the definition of “democracy” say that the rule of law is produced and enforced by a majority of the people?”

Actually Goober the rule of law is produced and enforced by the ”REPRESENTATIVES” democratically elected by the people and said representatives are SWORN to preserve, protect and defend the CONSTITUTION they have never been sworn to preserve, protect and defend the whims and prejudices of any majority of the people. Thus Goober, America was created to be a ”CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC” by our founders.

noun \di-ˈmä-krə-sē\

Definition of DEMOCRACY


a: government by the people; especially: rule of the majority

b: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections