A list of false teachings in the Roman Catholic Church.

It's not his words. It's his attitude and his refusal to engage in meaningful debate. Notice that I haven't ignored Kudzu yet. At least he can occasionally come up with a valid argument. And he is sometimes amusing. Guno, on the other hand, is someone who is intentionally offensive, and lacks any meaningful content in his replies. I haven't ignored you either, btw. I ignored Guno because I simply do not like him. He irritates me. Got a problem with that?

One...I am not asking about your overall relationship with Guno. I was asking specifically about your being upset with the response he gave in the matter you quoted.

The site to which you linked is a bit biased. You should be able to see that. Perhaps you did not like his wording (the wording around here often is a bit harsh)...but essentially that was what he was trying to convey.

Two...I appreciate that you do not have me on ignore. We are far apart in personal philosophy, but I have no problem treating people who disagree with me considerably...with respect.

As for the "false teachings" of the Catholic Church...I would prefer to hear YOUR personal difficulties with those teachings. I am an agnostic now...but I know quite a bit about the Church's teachings...and I see much more in common between Catholicism and Protestantism...than disagreement.
Perhaps he thinks Jewish teachings are also false.

Personally, I don't find the argument that Christians should worship on the Sabbath day to be offensive. It's a well-reasoned argument, in my opinion. But if that scares Ugly, then perhaps you are on to something.
Personally, I don't find the argument that Christians should worship on the Sabbath day to be offensive. It's a well-reasoned argument, in my opinion. But if that scares Ugly, then perhaps you are on to something.

I'd like to see more interest in the meaning of the stories than the focus on demanding myths are history and science.
One...I am not asking about your overall relationship with Guno. I was asking specifically about your being upset with the response he gave in the matter you quoted.

The site to which you linked is a bit biased. You should be able to see that. Perhaps you did not like his wording (the wording around here often is a bit harsh)...but essentially that was what he was trying to convey.

Two...I appreciate that you do not have me on ignore. We are far apart in personal philosophy, but I have no problem treating people who disagree with me considerably...with respect.

As for the "false teachings" of the Catholic Church...I would prefer to hear YOUR personal difficulties with those teachings. I am an agnostic now...but I know quite a bit about the Church's teachings...and I see much more in common between Catholicism and Protestantism...than disagreement.

I put him on ignore because every post I've seen from him has been a drive-by insult. He is only here to irritate people. I also believe he is the same guy from another forum that I knew. He is one of the most disagreeable people I know. Let's leave it at that.

As far as Catholic teachings go, I have already posted a list of them. Idol worship, requiring good works to be saved, among other things. There is also their ludicrous claim that Salvation can only be obtained through the church. Complete and utter nonsense. Salvation is through faith in Christ. PERIOD.

And it doesn't really matter how much they have in common with Protestants. It's the stuff they get wrong that matters. Salvation is through Christ alone. He is our intercessor with God. Not the Pope. The Pope has usurped the place of Christ. If it was just that one difference, it would be enough to completely reject Catholic doctrine.
What did he say that so disturbed you, Ugly.

The site you linked to is a Christian site...and if you are bothered by the descriptor "kook"...you should think over some of the descriptive words and phrases you regularly use.

People like him sure don't like to be on the receiving end of what they spew to others, and like a true coward they run away
I put him on ignore because every post I've seen from him has been a drive-by insult. He is only here to irritate people. I also believe he is the same guy from another forum that I knew. He is one of the most disagreeable people I know. Let's leave it at that.

As far as Catholic teachings go, I have already posted a list of them. Idol worship, requiring good works to be saved, among other things. There is also their ludicrous claim that Salvation can only be obtained through the church. Complete and utter nonsense. Salvation is through faith in Christ. PERIOD.

And it doesn't really matter how much they have in common with Protestants. It's the stuff they get wrong that matters. Salvation is through Christ alone. He is our intercessor with God. Not the Pope. The Pope has usurped the place of Christ. If it was just that one difference, it would be enough to completely reject Catholic doctrine.

Catholics don't worship idols or the Pope.. That is past ridiculous. Good works are the natural result of Grace and salvation.

The doctrine that is false flows from John Nelson Darby .. in all its forms. That includes Hagee, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell .. dominionists, dispensationalists in all it variations.
Catholics don't worship idols or the Pope.. That is past ridiculous. Good works are the natural result of Grace and salvation.

The doctrine that is false flows from John Nelson Darby .. in all its forms. That includes Hagee, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell .. dominionists, dispensationalists in all it variations.

They pray to statues of Mary. I've seen them bow down before her statue and ask her to intercede for them with God. That is the very definition of idolatry. Don't believe me?

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
— Exodus 20:4-6 (KJV)
They pray to statues of Mary. I've seen them bow down before her statue and ask her to intercede for them with God. That is the very definition of idolatry. Don't believe me?

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.
— Exodus 20:4-6 (KJV)

Prayer focuses the mind.. The mother of God is not an idol.