fully immersed in faith..
Your inability to read Matthew almost makes me ask, "how do you know?"
because I can in fact read Matthew.......put up or shut up.....
Your inability to read Matthew almost makes me ask, "how do you know?"
well yeah, if it includes praying to Mary.......why not pray to my aunt Tina.......she was a good woman........
peter was the apostle to the lost sheep of Israel [jewish / Hebrews ] paul was the apostle to the gentile/ heathen reprobate northerners. look, man. the papacy is usurpation. in your face combatant treason at emnity against Yeshua Ha Meshiach A K A The Lord Jesus Christ. this is beautiful spiritual truths in Christ : if anyone wishes to trample these truths; you will be a swine indeed.
seems like a contradiction to me......heaven shouldn't be a place where you worry about what's happening to folks back on earth......can you refer me to something that says heaven is a place of sorrow and disappointment?.......
Have you ever heard of Petra? Its was a thriving city from 300 BC to 100 AD.. Petra means rock, not little stone.
whatever. your testimony. you do have the right to remain silent.
Did the angel Gabriel tell your aunt Tina that she was favored among women?
Do you look at prayer as sorrowful and disappointing?
if a million people asked Mary to tell Jesus their daughter was dying from cancer how do you think she would feel by the end of the day?......she's only human.......
do you want to know about the difficulties your great grandchildren will face after you are gone?.......want them asking you to intercede?.......
Mark traveled with the Apostle Paul. He then accompanied the Apostle Peter to Rome and stayed by him while he was in prison. Mark is known as Peter’s interpreter, both in speech and in writing. As a fisherman from Galilee, Peter may not have spoken Greek fluently, so Mark interpreted for him.
Mark wrote down the observations and memories of Peter, one of the original Apostles. Mark’s book reflects Peter’s interest in spreading the gospel among the Gentiles.
Heaven is not a place of sorrow.
so obviously Mary is not hearing any pleas for intercession.........why would God do something that awful to her............
So, what exactly are the souls in heaven doing, if not engaged in prayer, and exaltation of the Lord? You seem quite interested in placing limitations upon these things.
the book of Acts recounts the shift of Peter from believing the gospel was only for the Jews to accepting that gentiles might be part of the church......
body surfing in the morning.......nap.......mahjong in the afternoon........rum punch at 5.......
Acts doesn't call him a pope either.......Yes. I know.
Acts doesn't call him a pope either.......
Sounds heavenly.
“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry, Mine!”
― Abraham Kuyper