a little something to trigger the race baiters

I'm not sure what happened to him...Two days ago he was ready to declare the Nazi murderer an innocent bystander defending himself and today all we can get out of him are dumb gifs...
I'll bet he's drinking tonight...

I'm not sure what happened to him...Two days ago he was ready to declare the Nazi murderer an innocent bystander defending himself and today all we can get out of him are dumb gifs...
I'll bet he's drinking tonight...

He can't defend the use of those token blacks, most of which are caricatures themselves. So the moron resorts to gifs because that's the best he has. Pretty typical of the underprepared RW cretins on this forum.
Buckly has no proof, so he’s just-------------------> https://media.giphy.com/media/RL0xU1daTlMoE/giphy.gif[IMG][/QUOTE]

Who would you rather be your president...a Nazi or an anti Nazi?
This shouldn't be a hard question to answer and most could answer in a heartbeat...
You will probably respond with a gif...
It's so cute that he's found a favorite cartoon. Children love them.

He is retarded and hates being called out as the racist that he is...
Now he has been caught defending Nazis, of all things, and can not refute that he has done so.
All he has is cartoon gifs.