A look back on My Genius Electoral Analysis

How desperate is Thingy that he thinks that was an actual bonafide prediction on par with what Grind and I did.

Any reasonable person would look at Thingy post and see a prediction for Hillary.

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Poor Thingy thinks saying that Trump NEEDS to win all of the toss ups is a prediction that he WOULD win all of the toss ups

No sane person can read Thingys post and come away with thinking Thingy thought Clinton would win.

At least GayRod had some integrity and admitted he was wrong. Apparently Thingy can't do the same.

The sum of Thingys analysis was that Trump NEEDED to win the toss ups.

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Well, unless Trump won every close state.


not exactly a BOLD prediction with that caveat is it?

It also puts to rest the lie that you claim to have thought Comey ended Clinton's chances. Your post proves that assertion false. But, please I enjoy watching your spinning about this as much as I enjoy watching Zipperhead and Archives complain about thread bans
The access hollywood tape should've been withheld until a week before the election. This is why liberals always lose, you don't play hardball. There's no way that wikileaks would've let such a great leak go at such a bad time, they would time it so that it had the maximum political effect for the right wing forces they favor.
Periodically I will be searching all posts of mine where I schooled people on this forum with my wonderful insight.

Today, I take on a thread started by rana titled: "Trump has a Latino Problem"

This thread took place in May, 2016.

The premise of the thread was that Trump was in big big trouble with latinos. I quickly came into the thread and laid out my awesome insight:

My response,



Lets go over my analysis and condense it for easy reading, shall we?

- I correctly disputed the claim that Trump was in deep trouble with hispanics. While OP was claiming that 2 million new registrations were doom and gloom for him, I looked at it with a far more level head. I ended up correctly asserting that Trump's standing with hispanics was the same as romneys and that he was in fact not in trouble with that demographic. Trump ended up winning hispanics by 3pts more than romney.

- I succinctly outlined his strategy to turn out more white voters and blue collar democrats. This was way before this was common knowledge and it is the exact strategy that helped him win.

- I remark/predict that Trump will have 50k more votes switch to him in pennsylvania. A state that trump ended up flipping. Also, here is an interesting image:

The first percent column is hillarys numbers with 2,926,000 votes. Trump has 2,970,000 votes. I didn't say 70k. I didn't say 30k. I said 50k were switching to him and that's the EXACT number he won by. OOOOOO boy is that sexy!

- Lastly, I talk about how looking at mass registration numbers is useless when discussing electoral politics. I specifically point out that if the bulk of registrations are coming mostly from california, it wont matter. California ended up giving clinton the popular vote win almost solely because hispanic registration was heavily concentrated in that state. And it didn't matter, just like I said.

When I talk about electoral politics, I am on fucking fire. I am literally one of the greatest political thinkers and analysts to ever grace the internet, and certainly on this board. When I talk electoral politics, you better listen. Because I am god.

Thank you.
Is this what you did on the mountain?

I suggest another trip back and do some fishing.
The access hollywood tape should've been withheld until a week before the election. This is why liberals always lose, you don't play hardball. There's no way that wikileaks would've let such a great leak go at such a bad time, they would time it so that it had the maximum political effect for the right wing forces they favor.

Oh I am sure that the media in coordination with the DNC and Hillary would have wanted to wait until the week before Election Day but remember Wikileaks announced their first tranche and they panicked and released the tape

They had the tape for months

Putin screwed em good