It’s sounds like they are describing a helicopter
As people who don’t understand machinery
Six wings
Four faces that don’t turn to face things
The massive sound they make
People inside machines
I am no longer live and let live. I am going to get militant on their asses. You encourage insurrection, you get locked up. That's my take.
trump is hardly religious at all, at least openly or publicly.
economic populism/antiglobalism is the lynchpin in this wagon.
progressives should be on board with that, but that party has become the globalist oligarch party.
Quote Originally Posted by Concart View Post
LOL, leave it to PMP to turn this into a discussion about angels, instead of discussing the comparisons between Lindell and Jesus Christ (the other guy God supposedly sent down). So do Christians believe that Lindell is the second coming? I guess so. So what are they worried about? Jesus walks among them, and he is one of them. Who would have thought that Jesus was a knuckledragging moron and a conspiracy theorist. I never saw that coming. And who knew that Trumps defeat would get the big guys attention such that he'd have to take action?
Oh fuck off you self appointed master of all
You are stupid and meaningless
It’s what happens when you live on lies
You are a joke
there are no comparisons between them.......just idiotic demmycrrats trying to score political points with their news articles and their threads....
ok, sputtering moronic toad.
Because you have no human soul
You are a horrible person who embraces lies and hate
Imagine what Jesus would think of such a person as you calling yourself a follower of his
You embrace hating and punishing the poor for being poor
You hold on high EVIL PEOPLE who lie for monitory benefit
Lies lies lies
They ooze from you every day here
You sing the praises of a sexual predator who lies for money and power
A man so evil he is hated world wide
You shame every Christian walking the earth
exactly......and not once are they called angels.....
You shame Christianity
desh, I pray that God will someday release you from the bondage of endless ignorance that has poisoned your life........but if he chooses not to, I'm okay with that......
you shame human intelligence......
Hu hu hu
Aren’t you so pious
Tell us more about how you love triggering liberals
How you embrace evil men who are CAUGHT ON TAPE talking about grabbing pussy
Who say they hate war prisoners
Who mock people born with disabilities
Who URGE people to physically HURT others
You are worthless as a human
We are sick of your types evil and pretense as holy
You suck at being a decent human
And you suck up evil lies for your evil cheating party
Reap what you have sown
Mind pretzel biting fly
You hate humans so you act and think like a wounded idiot
Enjoy your sad fate
Hu hu hu
Aren’t you so pious
Tell us more about how you love triggering liberals
How you embrace evil men who are CAUGHT ON TAPE talking about grabbing pussy
Who say they hate war prisoners
Who mock people born with disabilities
Who URGE people to physically HURT others
You are worthless as a human
We are sick of your types evil and pretense as holy
You suck at being a decent human
And you suck up evil lies for your evil cheating party
Reap what you have sown
what's my fate, oracle of anustopia?
all men talk about grabbing pussy occasionally. maybe not your gelded abuse victim mate tho.