What's actually going to address this guno? You can sit here and talk about the President (no matter who it is) 24/7 but there's a far bigger world out there. The President doesn't control all.
You have black writers in California complaining that a state that just voted for Biden by over 30% voted against Prop 16 which would have brought back affirmative action. You have black writers in California complaining that we aren't making any police reforms in a state where Democrats control every statewide elected office and have a super majority in the statehouse and dominate the big cities. The Bay Area and LA are two of the largest metropolitan areas in the country, dominated by Democrats, yet NIMBYIsm is a religion here and I'm sure you've read The Color Of Law and know how NIMBYs exploit those old laws.
You can say all day everyday 'vote Democratic' as if that's the end all be all but that's just a cop out to addressing real issues.