A Military Conscription for Iraq


Will work for Scooby snacks
I think we can all agree that sending volunteer soliders on three of four tours of duty in Iraq is unfair. And that sending 40-year old National Guardsmen/women away from home for years at a time is not a sustainable or fair policy.

If we plan to make "the surge" permanent, and stay in Iraq for years to come - per the Con vision of the war - we should institute a military draft, so america can share the burden.

Rather than having the vietnam style draft - where draft numbers were randomly assigned by birth date - I think the following draft is feasible:

-Lowest draft numbers get assigned to College Republicans;
-Next lowest draft numbers get assigned to children of Republican politicans and RNC staff;
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in congressional districts that voted for Bush in 2004.
-Then, to children of families that earn more than $500k a year.
-Then, members of fundamentalist and evangelical churches
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.
-The Highest draft numbers then get assigned to everyone else.
I think we can all agree that sending volunteer soliders on three of four tours of duty in Iraq is unfair. And that sending 40-year old National Guardsmen/women away from home for years at a time is not a sustainable or fair policy.

If we plan to make "the surge" permanent, and stay in Iraq for years to come - per the Con vision of the war - we should institute a military draft, so america can share the burden.

Rather than having the vietnam style draft - where draft numbers were randomly assigned by birth date - I think the following draft is feasible:

:cheer: :cheer: :party:
Cawacko, there has been a real edge to you the past two days. What happened, did you get cyber-skewered or something, and I didn't see it?

I thought that was funny. My mom used to chant it when I was little.
Hmmm... My sisters used to say...

Ra-ra-rass, kick them in the other knee.

That's the way I meant to say it. rass- instead of rash.

Darla, you know how when you type things you can sometimes hear a person saying it in your head? That's what I had here. I saw your cheerleaders and I thought of that cheer my mom use to do.
That's the way I meant to say it. rass- instead of rash.

Darla, you know how when you type things you can sometimes hear a person saying it in your head? That's what I had here. I saw your cheerleaders and I thought of that cheer my mom use to do.

Yep, I understand what you are saying now.
-Lowest draft numbers get assigned to College Republicans;
-Next lowest draft numbers get assigned to children of Republican politicans and RNC staff;
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in congressional districts that voted for Bush in 2004.
-Then, to children of families that earn more than $500k a year.
-Then, members of fundamentalist and evangelical churches
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.
-The Highest draft numbers then get assigned to everyone else.


My list:

- Lowest draft numbers get assigned to College Republicans;
- Next lowest draft numbers get assigned to children of Republican politicans and RNC staff & their kids
- The fighting keyboardists/Chickenhawk apologists that cheered on the war from behind a PC
- Registered Republicans
- Republican Campaign contributors
- Children of Republican Campaign contributers
- Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in congressional districts that voted for Bush in 2004.
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.
- Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in congressional districts that voted for Bush in 2000.
-Then, members of fundamentalist and evangelical churches
-Lowest draft numbers get assigned to College Republicans;
-Next lowest draft numbers get assigned to children of Republican politicans and RNC staff;
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in congressional districts that voted for Bush in 2004.
-Then, to children of families that earn more than $500k a year.
-Then, members of fundamentalist and evangelical churches
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.
-The Highest draft numbers then get assigned to everyone else.


My list:

- Lowest draft numbers get assigned to College Republicans;
- Next lowest draft numbers get assigned to children of Republican politicans and RNC staff & their kids
- The fighting keyboardists/Chickenhawk apologists that cheered on the war from behind a PC
- Registered Republicans
- Republican Campaign contributors
- Children of Republican Campaign contributers
- Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in congressional districts that voted for Bush in 2004.
-Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.
- Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in congressional districts that voted for Bush in 2000.
-Then, members of fundamentalist and evangelical churches

How come no love for those who supported the Democrats that voted to give authority in 2003?
My list...

The numbers are assigned by fair lottery, randomly, with no out for any politician, politician's child, or for specific people proud of not voting for a "authorization" without regard to the Declaration Clause of the constitution.
The fighting keyboardists/Chickenhawk apologists that cheered on the war from behind a PC

Crap! I forgot about them!
How come no love for those who supported the Democrats that voted to give authority in 2003?

The loves there - the 8th one down.
Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.
The loves there - the 8th one down.
Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.
So their kids get an out then? They "cheerled" us into "war" by voting for an unconstitutional "authorization" but they get an out because their daddy is a D? I also note that women are excused for no apparent reason.
The loves there - the 8th one down.
Then, draft numbers get assigned to eligible males in any congressional district who's Rep. voted to authorize military action in Iraq.

I voted for Bush and Dianne Feinstein. See y'all in Iraq.
So their kids get an out then? They "cheerled" us into "war" by voting for an unconstitutional "authorization" but they get an out because their daddy is a D? I also note that women are excused for no apparent reason.

Not on my list they wouldn't be. I know a couple of neocon, and crazy, Republican bitches, who I would send over on the first flight.
Not on my list they wouldn't be. I know a couple of neocon, and crazy, Republican bitches, who I would send over on the first flight.

"You are the dancing queen, young and sweet, only seventeen
Dancing queen, feel the beat from the tambourine
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life
See that girl, watch that scene, dig in the dancing queen"