a monopoly on force

No never in the scouts either. Remember I grew up in an ultra-liberal shithole called "Massachusetts": car theft capital, indoctrinated by the public school system that the Kennedy's were god, Tip O'Neill was a prophet, having segregated areas of blacks, Italians, Irish and Jews that all hated each other was normal, and The South was full of sweating, racist, uneducated, bible thumping rednecks. I got out as soon as I could, but that wasn't until my mid-20's, and it took a while to educate myself with reality. By that time I had a successful career, paid off my student loan debts and starting a family, and the military didn't make sense. *shrug*

That's a crying shame, SM.

I think you would have enjoyed a good war. Damn those crazy circumstances for combining to prevent you from carrying out what, i'm sure in your heart of hearts, was a cherished dream to go abroad and kill foreigners.
I explained my past situation. If I had the smarts then that I do now I would have gone the ROTC route and had my tuition paid and my mind disciplined, either done 4 years or 20, depending on how I liked it. That's what I'm recommending to my son; my old man never bothered.

So its too bad you had to scrub the decks of blood from the guys that actually got off the boat. :pke:

No its too bad that you never had the balls to walk into a recruiter's office and sign up. Now you try and say you "never had the opportunity to serve" when you just never had the balls.

I didn't scrub the decks. I put my ass on the line to make sure those wounded warriors got back to the ship. I was a US Navy Gunners Mate. I didn't have to man the gun on the helo but they needed my expertise and I accepted the mission.

You want to poke fun at what I did then you need to have at least stood the line yourself. Even the people who scrubbed the deck of that helo were in a lot more danger than you were.
That's a crying shame, SM.

I think you would have enjoyed a good war. Damn those crazy circumstances for combining to prevent you from carrying out what, i'm sure in your heart of hearts, was a cherished dream to go abroad and kill foreigners.
I'd like to kill tyrants, both foreign and domestic. :)
No its too bad that you never had the balls to walk into a recruiter's office and sign up. Now you try and say you "never had the opportunity to serve" when you just never had the balls.

I didn't scrub the decks. I put my ass on the line to make sure those wounded warriors got back to the ship. I was a US Navy Gunners Mate. I didn't have to man the gun on the helo but they needed my expertise and I accepted the mission.

You want to poke fun at what I did then you need to have at least stood the line yourself. Even the people who scrubbed the deck of that helo were in a lot more danger than you were.
I had plenty of balls, just lacked the common sense.

More guys got killed on highways driving cars than on the decks of Navy ships during the Grenada conflict. So I guess you were in the relatively safe position. :pke:
I had plenty of balls, just lacked the common sense.

More guys got killed on highways driving cars than on the decks of Navy ships during the Grenada conflict. So I guess you were in the relatively safe position. :pke:

If I had stayed on the deck of a ship you might almost have a point. And if the number of people involved in the Grenada invasion was comparable to the number of people driving on the highways you might also almost have a point.

The point is that I stepped up and you walked away.

Talk is cheap.
If I had stayed on the deck of a ship you might almost have a point. And if the number of people involved in the Grenada invasion was comparable to the number of people driving on the highways you might also almost have a point.

The point is that I stepped up and you walked away.

Talk is cheap.
I never walked away from a fight in my life, Swabby.
I never walked away from a fight in my life, Swabby.

But you didn't walk in and sign on the dotted line when it counted, did you?

I am not saying I am any kind of war hero. But to have my service laughed at by someone who never had the courage to step up and serve is too much.

Maybe this is why you talk all tough about war being glorious. But it takes sand to actually do it. I know what I will do when faced with that situation. You don't.
But you didn't walk in and sign on the dotted line when it counted, did you?

There was no conflict when I was of signing age. As I said, I never walked away from a fight; not in a bar, not on the highway, not with some frat boys, not from some football punks, not when I drove a transit bus. Your argument holds no water.
Nah I will let it go and just consider his taunts the words of someone who doesn't have a clue about the topic.
Southern Man is the typical redneck pussy.
Talks a lot of shit but back down from every fight our country was in.
Winterborn Burned southertools ASS!!!
Southern Man is the typical redneck pussy.
Talks a lot of shit but back down from every fight our country was in.
Winterborn Burned southertools ASS!!!
LOL a guy from Buttfuck, Louisiana cheer leading for a guy from Buttfuck, Alabama and calling a guy from the vineyard region of North Carolina a redneck. :lolup:
LOL a guy from Buttfuck, Louisiana cheer leading for a guy from Buttfuck, Alabama and calling a guy from the vineyard region of North Carolina a redneck. :lolup:

No I think its more like a bystander calling you a pussy because you want to make fun of something you didn't have the balls to do.

I've been around a fair amount of NC. Don't try and pretend that it isn't just as full of hillbillies and rednecks as Alabama.
No I think its more like a bystander calling you a pussy because you want to make fun of something you didn't have the balls to do.

I've been around a fair amount of NC. Don't try and pretend that it isn't just as full of hillbillies and rednecks as Alabama.

Again, I've never lacked balls, nor walked away from a fight. I have the broken nose and knuckle scars to prove it.

Lemme see, my closest neighbors, are: a banker, a realtor, a tax accountant lecturer, a wealthy retired couple, an engineer, a doctor, owner of a health care business, a factory manager, a lawyer, a school principle, a county judge, owners of a retail store, a wealth manager, ... Nope, no rednecks. Heck we don't even allow livestock or RVs in the 'hood.

Sorry, you're wrong again. *shrug*
It's like in BrokeBack mountain, how they're love always started with rough play. Assgrabbery, one might say.

Anne Hathaway is a great Fag Hag.
That was so sad how Heath Ledger ended up poor and in a trailer because he kept quitting his jobs to go see Jake. How bittersweet. What he did for love. And then Jake died. OMG.