APP - 'A Moral Question'

"As we saw in the national debate over that [Healtcare] bill, efforts to increase coverage tend to be derailed by arguments about "big government" or "free enterprise" or "socialism" - and the essential moral question gets lost in the shouting. ¶ All the other developed countries on earth have made a different moral decision. All the other countries like us - that is, wealthy, technologically advanced, industrialized democracies - guarantee medical care to anyone who gets sick. Countries that are just as committed as we are to equal opportunity, individual liberty, and the free market have concluded that everybody has a right to health care - and they provide it .. One result is that most rich countries have better national health statistics - longer life expectancy; lower infant mortality, better recovery rates from major diseases - than the United States does. Yet all the other rich countries spend far less on health care than the United States does." link above

America through the power of money and the privileged has become 'the can't do nation.' Amazing how ideas can manage the minds of so many through TV and other media sources.