A new LOW for the left - Vinman's wife downplays assassination attempt: ‘No ears were harmed’

Gosh. TD. Can you tell us how many were injured and died on Jan 6th in the attack on the Capitol? I sure would hate to see someone make light of that.
Who made light of the single death of an unarmed protestor and others who were injured? Be specific.

That said, I would argue that the Democrats made a mockery of the entire affair with their lunatic attempts to suggest it was an "insurrection" and treating Americans like a bunch of Fascistic thugs.
Ok, what ears were harmed?

You give new meaning to the term's stupid and ignorant. :palm:

It wasn't really much of an assassination attempt.

More of a concept of one...
It was a "concept" assassination attempt.......you're a severe moron.

They don't get much dumber or dishonest than this. It takes a special level of stupid in fact.

Wife of Trump impeachment witness downplays assassination attempt: ‘No ears were harmed’

The wife of a former impeachment witness against President Donald Trump in 2019 downplayed the second assassination attempt on Sunday afternoon.

“No ears were harmed. Carry on with your Sunday afternoon,” Rachel Vindman, the wife of Alexander Vindman, posted on X.

For her part, Rachel Vindman doubled down.

“Sorry you’re triggered. I mean no I’m not. I don’t care a little bit ,” she posted later on X.

“Trump has been inciting violence against his enemies for years. He douses a situation in gasoline, lights a match, & walks away claiming no responsibility,” she added. “Look at what is happening in Springfield, OH right now but he wants to claim he’s a victim. You cannot have it both ways.”

Listen, Trump and MAGA does not have the monopoly on bad taste comments....if you doubt me, YOUTUBE AND GOOGLE THE VILE HATRED PELOSI'S HUSBAND GOT FROM YOU MOTHERFUCKERS!!! Both Trump and Mr. Pelosi were private citizens, one just happen to be running for President. If the MAGA whores can't take the fuckin heat, then remove yourselves from the gotdamn kitchen!!​
