A New Message for Donald Trump from Former Mexican President Vicente Fox

I am sure Trump is pissing on himself....a 3rd world leader attempts to lecture the greatest economy and military on earth. Perhaps Mexifornia might listen to its proxy president.....:) Personally I think the US should anex Mexico as it supports it now. Just think what real leadership could do with that nation which is as blessed with natural resources as the US. I would have no problem with the entire North American Continent becoming one large nation...as the US defends and supports them anyway. Canada has no expenditure on MILITARY defense as it depends upon the US for defense (the reason that it can waste money on social programs without ever fearing a total collapse as was the case with the former USSR)....and Mexico has no leadership or management skills whatsoever as the drug cartels control almost 40% of the nation.

FYI: Mexico is already making a down payment on the wall whether they realize it or not. Illegal immigration is down greatly saving the US taxpayers Billions (billions that can go to other things like border protection).
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Must be why the current resident has the lowest approval numbers of any incoming President in history, while failing to enact a single piece of major legislation. Tell me, son, was our last president ever under FBI and justice department investigation? Only your kind can get excited if his approval numbers get close to 40% all the while the Rump lies daily to the American people.
Must be why the current resident has the lowest approval numbers of any incoming President in history, while failing to enact a single piece of major legislation. Tell me, son, was our last president ever under FBI and justice department investigation? Only your kind can get excited if his approval numbers get close to 40% all the while the Rump lies daily to the American people.

THE FALSE PREMISE. Legislation must take place to define success. Democrats are good at projecting false premises and then acting as if that unproven premise is a fact because they said it. The real name for such false premises?


Enlighten us.....where does the constitution authorize the president to enact any LEGISLATION might less "major" legislation? It does not...Congress drafts and ratifies all acts of legislation. FYI: Trump's numbers are more than double those of your democrat congress critters who have sit on their collective asses and accomplished nothing for the people who voted them into power.

Conclusion: Just what makes you think that success can only come when CONGRESS makes more laws (laws that simply rob someone of another natural liberty) ....i.e. passes new laws not to enforce? The more you legislate the more you dictate.

What you are witnessing is the perfect example that proves the US economy works best when Washington does NOTHING. Millions of jobs have been created.....the GDP is growing astronomically....people are spending more money due to consumer confidence...the stock market is roaring to new heights..etc., and ALL THIS without any Democrat casting one "yes" vote for almost 9 months. Think about it.....you begin by stating a fabrication (the PRESIDENT is responsible for passing laws) and you teach a truth without ever realizing it (the US economy does best when Washington does NOTHING). :good4u:

Suggestion: Why not enforce and live by some of the millions of laws already on the books instead of stating that you need more laws to ignore in order to define success?

The real headline?

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And all this time we though this p(R)esident was the great negotiator, a man who could meet with Congressional leaders and get any of his legislation written, passed and enacted into law. A man who couldn't take "no" for an answer.
What happened to all odf the major initiatives this man wanted enacted into law. Not a single piece has passed, despite a total republican majority. That spell FAIL, in big big letters.
For a similar time period, President Obama created more jobs, and grew the GDP even more that this pretender.
Washington doing nothing, does that include passing a budget, raising the debt limit, keeping the government running? Or maybe doing nothing means we don't send help to natures victims in Texas, Florida or anywhere else.
And all this time we though this p(R)esident was the great negotiator, a man who could meet with Congressional leaders and get any of his legislation written, passed and enacted into law. A man who couldn't take "no" for an answer.
What happened to all odf the major initiatives this man wanted enacted into law. Not a single piece has passed, despite a total republican majority. That spell FAIL, in big big letters.
For a similar time period, President Obama created more jobs, and grew the GDP even more that this pretender.
Washington doing nothing, does that include passing a budget, raising the debt limit, keeping the government running? Or maybe doing nothing means we don't send help to natures victims in Texas, Florida or anywhere else.

Fact: No matter how many times you might cast your perils among swine (democrats)....they will simply trample them into the ground. Again....its Congress that must past acts of legislation, its not the responsibility of the President.

There is no "negotiating" when 0 is all you have to quantify. THE PEOPLE are not stupid. Let's see who they THE PEOPLE blame when Obama Care fails (just about election time). The democrats who refused to act in any fashion or the president who attempted to meet them half way. The last election proves that the majority of the voting block is not in any fashion STUPID.

Personally I word enjoy seeing CONGRESS do nothing for 4 years, that would allow us to see just how well the US economy can do on its own without Big Brother sticking his nose about a foot up its asshole.
Illegal immigration has been declining for the past 15 years. Now tell us just how Mexico is going to pay for Trumps wall. While you are at it, tell us why not a penny has yet been allocated for this fiasco, and explain why it never will be,
What happened to a Presidents ability to negotiate will Congressional leaders to get his pet legislation passed? Not a single piece of major legislation has been passed despite a republican congress. You should be ashamed of this fraud.
I am sure Trump is pissing on himself....a 3rd world leader attempts to lecture the greatest economy and military on earth. Perhaps Mexifornia might listen to its proxy president.....:) Personally I think the US should anex Mexico as it supports it now. Just think what real leadership could do with that nation which is as blessed with natural resources as the US. I would have no problem with the entire North America Continent becoming one large nation...as the US defends and support them anyway. Canada has no expenditure on MILITARY defense as it depends upon the US for defense (the reason that can waste money on social programs without ever fearing a total collapse as was the case with the former USSR)....and Mexico has no leadership or management skills whatsoever as the drug cartels control almost 40% of the nation.

You are fine w/ adding 37 million commie Canadians & 128 million Mexicans?? Or do you want to deport them all first??
What happened to a Presidents ability to negotiate will Congressional leaders to get his pet legislation passed? Not a single piece of major legislation has been passed despite a republican congress. You should be ashamed of this fraud.

Again....."Congress" has accomplished nothing and its due in great part because no democrat has cast a single vote in support of THE PEOPLE who hired them and the disgust is apparent with the 15-20% approval rating. That is the reason that TRUMP was elected, congress has done nothing but allow the executive branch to usurp its constitutional authority as demonstrated by all the executive orders over the past 8 years and the first 9 months of the current administration.

The failure lies with congress, on both sides of the isle as they appear to be more concerned with the "R" or "D" in front of their names than working for the people who hired them to REPRESENT THEIR BEST INTEREST (not the party interests).

The most telling point is the demonstrable fact that the economy and military are getting along just fine without any "MAJOR ACTS OF LEGISLATION" detailing the fact that your friendly neighborhood congress critters are about as important as tits on a boar hog.

Your false premise is suggesting that only acts of legislation define success. As of today, ACTS OF LEGISLATION are but a fraction of Mr. Trump's success in doing the things he has promised. He has helped create over 1 million new well paying jobs, He drastically reduced illegal immigration, He has reduced the number of unvetted Islamic immigrants entering this nation (and the courts proved he had the authority to do as much as the left coast judges were bitch slapped again by SCOTUS)......He is MAKING MEXICO "PAY'' to protect the southern border as illegal immigration has reduced saving the US taxpayers billion of dollars that would have gone to support more mouths and the cost of policing these illegals while in this nation.

Most importantly....the stock market continues to soar....the GDP is much better approaching a permanent 3% and over rate. Mr. Trump has stopped the bleeding of manufacturing losses going overseas by giving the companies a fair rate of taxation in order to remain or bring back their manufacturing infrastructures to the states.

Again....Who needs more legislation that will not be enforced or will do nothing but cripple the economy once again? I say allow them to DO NOTHING....we the people get along much better without a nose shoved up our asses.

FYI: It was congress that created the boondoggle known as Obama Care that is costing THE PEOPLE billions of dollars with nothing to show for it but higher deductibles and higher healthcare costs that will collapse if left to its own merits of which it had none. (again it would have been better and cheaper if Congress had sit on its collective asses and done nothing instead of showing their ignorance in passing this piece of crap).

Its up to congress to correct the economic "ALBATROSS" not the executive branch whose duty is to see that its applied as defined by law. The legislative branches legislates the executive branch enforces. Its not rocket science. We do not live in a monarchy were King Trump calls the shots like King Obama attempted to do time and time again with unconstitutional executive orders. We live in a REPUBLIC with a system defined by checks and balances...let the blame for inaction go where it belongs to the swines in congress.
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Clean your own yard before you tell us how to act !!

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Montezuma's Revenge Will Have to Wait Until Our Privileged Girlymen Take Complete Control

El Presidente Coca-Cola has turned pacifist because he realizes that Mexico has violated the Monroe Doctrine. By encouraging and aiding its excess population to invade the USA, his needle-riddled shooting gallery has waged war on us and must be taught a convincing lesson.
1. You will find the approval rating of Congressional Democrats far higher than republican counterparts.
2. GDP has not come anywhere close to 3%
3. Had Congress done nothing about the ACA, we would have allowed insurance companies to run wild, as always
A. Overheads of 40%
B. Limits on lifetime coverage
C. Pre existing conditions
D Profits over people
4. Illegal immigration continues to decline as it has under the past 2 presidents
5. Just how has he created any new jobs? I thought business and customer demand creates jobs.
6. There are NO UNVETTED Muslims in this country either now or in the past.
7. Mexico has paid nothing and will continue to pay nothing
8. Not a single piece of his signature legislation has passed congress, the ONLY President to have failed
9. His approval numbers are in the toilet
Other than that you both have done a wonderful job.
Must be why the current resident has the lowest approval numbers of any incoming President in history, while failing to enact a single piece of major legislation. Tell me, son, was our last president ever under FBI and justice department investigation? Only your kind can get excited if his approval numbers get close to 40% all the while the Rump lies daily to the American people.

All the News Fit to Spit

"We Are Commies, Not Nazis." People have to earn the right to be told the truth. President Trump's lying to jurinalists is like the stories we tell our pre-schoolers in order to teach them things at a level they can understand. The scribbling showoffs think they are the Voice of the People, when all they are is the type of Voices From a Box that nutjobs hear all the time.
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