I am sure Trump is pissing on himself....a 3rd world leader attempts to lecture the greatest economy and military on earth. Perhaps Mexifornia might listen to its proxy president.....

Personally I think the US should anex Mexico as it supports it now. Just think what real leadership could do with that nation which is as blessed with natural resources as the US. I would have no problem with the entire North America Continent becoming one large nation...as the US defends and support them anyway. Canada has no expenditure on MILITARY defense as it depends upon the US for defense (the reason that can waste money on social programs without ever fearing a total collapse as was the case with the former USSR)....and Mexico has no leadership or management skills whatsoever as the drug cartels control almost 40% of the nation.
FYI: Mexico is already making a down payment on the wall whether they realize it or not. Illegal immigration is down greatly saving the US taxpayer Billions (billions that can go to other things like border protection).