A Parallel Universe Discovered?

Grind actually came up with a good idea for a thread. British v American humour. The differences are remarkable.

You'll need to grade us on a curve, because most republicans and conservatives aren't funny. We start at a disadvantage already.
british humor is usually unfunny humor disguised as something seemingly more sophisticated than it actually is.
Grind actually came up with a good idea for a thread. British v American humour. The differences are remarkable.

American humor is dickish. Just like the whole goddamn nation. That's the difference.

An interesting thing though, is that over the years the old comedians who had direct, American style jokes (like Richard Pryar) are slowly starting to give way to quirkier more British style comedians.
I really think the biggest difference in American humor is pretentiousness. British comedians are goofy and make fun of themselves and the absurdity of life. American comedians try to make themselves out as Gods by constantly making fun of everything else and stating how much better they are.
American humor is dickish. Just like the whole goddamn nation. That's the difference.

An interesting thing though, is that over the years the old comedians who had direct, American style jokes (like Richard Pryar) are slowly starting to give way to quirkier more British style comedians.
Rubbish. American humor spans the entirety of all types. You get "Hot Shots" and Chris Rock, you get "Airplane" and "South Park". There are so many different types of humor in the US to stereotype it as all Richard Pryor is simply ridiculous.
You'll need to grade us on a curve, because most republicans and conservatives aren't funny. We start at a disadvantage already.

But I saw a myth destroyed recently. Long has it been said that Americans don't understand irony. That isn't so and it should never be said again.
Sophisticated? Snort.....Evidently, you are unaware of Benny Hill and Monty Python.

Benny Hill's humour (at least I think so anyway) was a direct descendant of Edwardian concert hall humour (oh dear I sound so bloody po-faced in discussing humour in a serious manner).

Python was the theatre of the absurd (there I go again, anyone got a really big pin to help me deflate my pompous ego?) and the earliest connection I can think of to Python is the work of a comedian called Michael Bentine and his television series, "It's a Square World".
American humor is dickish. Just like the whole goddamn nation. That's the difference.

An interesting thing though, is that over the years the old comedians who had direct, American style jokes (like Richard Pryar) are slowly starting to give way to quirkier more British style comedians.

But Americans are the past masters of stand-up. And let's go back further, Buster Keaton, comic genius (I didn't include Charlie Chaplin as he was English, born in London).

Oh and American Jewish humour, bloody well cracks me up, it's beautifully sardonic.
Rubbish. American humor spans the entirety of all types. You get "Hot Shots" and Chris Rock, you get "Airplane" and "South Park". There are so many different types of humor in the US to stereotype it as all Richard Pryor is simply ridiculous.

American humor - direct

British humor - quirky

If an American uses British humor then that's their business.
American humor - direct

British humor - quirky

If an American uses British humor then that's their business.
Weakest ever explanation. You are really desperately reaching for some other "reason" to hate America. There are as many different forms of humor in the US as there are forms of humor.