A peek inside a VERY UGLY world

There is a problem with OUR people who live in poverty.

Many of these people are black.

They are OUR people (Americans).

You and your cohorts like these people I posted about insist on believing its the color of their skin that makes them vulernable to these conditions. I and many other Americans of all backgrounds believe it is the poverty that causes these statistics.
Alot of people have..........

pulled themselves out of poverty by hard work...even alot who stay in poverty do not kill and steal and do drugs...I blame the individuals!
There is a problem with OUR people who live in poverty.

Many of these people are black.

They are OUR people (Americans).

You and your cohorts like these people I posted about insist on believing its the color of their skin that makes them vulernable to these conditions. I and many other Americans of all backgrounds believe it is the poverty that causes these statistics.

I don't believe this site addresses causation. You can't use racial division and grouping rhetoric to describe institutional unfairness, but then ignore it in description of the real world.
Then the question becomes...........

Then why is it nesessary to point out how many are Black?

Why are so many gang members Black and Hispanic...MS 13 ring a bell...along with White Supremisist groups? Again I blame the individuals...!
I think you need to read the whole thing.

They falt out say that "negros" are inferior beings and whites should be allowed to OWN them.
I think you need to read the whole thing.

They falt out say that "negros" are inferior beings and whites should be allowed to OWN them.

That is wrong if it says that. I agree. But it's no more wrong than jewish supremacist websites that say jews should rule the world.
This has got to be a put-on right? The pamphlet I mean. "Owning"? Like as slaves???
Nah, it's someone's fucking stupid idea of a joke.
There's a crisis in the black community and Deshtard serve's us up a glass of false outrage. Nice going desh.:clink:
The sad sad thing is this is real.

These people are insane and they call themselves christians.

The Terry Randal guy runs operation resue (anti abortion group)

He has a gay son, a daughter who has two childern out of wedlock.

A daughter who converted to Islam.

He also divorced his wife to marry a much younger woman in 2000.

What a guy huh?
The FLIER is not real. Randal was using it as a means to make an issue out of supporting Guiliani. Most repubs agree with him on the war and fiscal issues but not his own personal belief that women should have the right to seek safe legal abortions. He uses the slave issue to draw a parallel to abortion saying that if you agreed with "Candidate Smith" on all the other issues but you heard this rhetoric about slavery would you still vote for him?
The FLIER is not real. Randal was using it as a means to make an issue out of supporting Guiliani. Most repubs agree with him on the war and fiscal issues but not his own personal belief that women should have the right to seek safe legal abortions. He uses the slave issue to draw a parallel to abortion saying that if you agreed with "Candidate Smith" on all the other issues but you heard this rhetoric about slavery would you still vote for him?
LOL. Crap. Somebody already got there.