A peek inside a VERY UGLY world

Since 90% of murders by black people are committed against other blacks, I'm sure us poor law respecting superior white folks shouldn't have anything to fear. It's a benefit, in fact, that half of the people in the US who are murdered are black.
He's been arrested over 40 times. A much greater threat to society than those black folk.

Why can't we get him on three strikes and put an end to it? Oh wait, that only applies to black people.
The FLIER is not real. Randal was using it as a means to make an issue out of supporting Guiliani. Most repubs agree with him on the war and fiscal issues but not his own personal belief that women should have the right to seek safe legal abortions. He uses the slave issue to draw a parallel to abortion saying that if you agreed with "Candidate Smith" on all the other issues but you heard this rhetoric about slavery would you still vote for him?

Yep, because abortion = slavery. That simple folks!

What an inane case of begging the question. I love reading the fliers those anti-abortion guys put out... they always use "But does it justify killing babies?" as some sort of trump card. It's a ridiculous case of begging the question. They assume that what they are saying is true, and use it to "prove"the point.
Yep, because abortion = slavery. That simple folks!

What an inane case of begging the question. I love reading the fliers those anti-abortion guys put out... they always use "But does it justify killing babies?" as some sort of trump card. It's a ridiculous case of begging the question. They assume that what they are saying is true, and use it to "prove"the point.

You're missing the point, wholesale.
Oh I dunno, at least Watermark knows that "begging the question" doesn't mean ignoring it (our media here are always using that howler, bloody idiots, just like they continually confuse "procrastinate" and "prevaricate", and these are wordsmiths?).

Sorry, ot mini-rant :o
The sad sad thing is this is real.

These people are insane and they call themselves christians.

The Terry Randal guy runs operation resue (anti abortion group)

He has a gay son, a daughter who has two childern out of wedlock.

A daughter who converted to Islam.

He also divorced his wife to marry a much younger woman in 2000.

What a guy huh?

Im not so convienced this asshole has any right talking about anyone voting against their own values.

Oh I dunno, at least Watermark knows that "begging the question" doesn't mean ignoring it (our media here are always using that howler, bloody idiots, just like they continually confuse "procrastinate" and "prevaricate", and these are wordsmiths?).

Sorry, ot mini-rant :o

wake up Aussie LE...waterbaby is a troll in training...he gets off stirring the pot...did you not even notice?