a perfect Demoncratic platform

the main issue is over meat and produce, I think. Those aren't labeled.

They're also difficult to send over long distances with profit. I think that as the costs are reducing, though, the information might be useful. There's a lot of information, however, that would be more useful.
Not necessarily. There could be a variety of reasons why you didn't want to get particular foods from certain countries. Perhaps you don't want to support an ecomony because of political ideology, perhaps there are pesticides that you don't want to ingest, perhaps they had a health scare and to be on the safe side you'd prefer to avoid certain imports. Not every thing is xenocentric (is that a word?)

Eh, XENOPHOBIC is a word. Not xenocentric. I've just traditionally been shy of everything that seems to identify buying from other nations as "unpatriotic", or something like that. But I do think that the information should at least be labeled, I should've put that in the above post. I just fear people are easily manipulated and will be pursuaded to not by from another nation based on an infactual infomercial or something.
And we also have no control over another country using DDT or somesuch on their veggies.
I just want to know where they come from so I can either support my own countries produce or avoid produce from countries that I do not feel safe eating their produce or do not want to support their policies.
We should start boycotiting all produce without country of origion on it.
What we spend is 2/3 of our econommy , it WOULD get results.
Big industry is afraid we consumers will realize that. Industry is not any longer responsible for 2/3 of our economy, what we spend is.
But then there's this ...


96 people dead in Panama since 2006 because of diethylene glycol from China (passed off by Chinese authorities as 99.5% pure glycerin) in medicines. Another 293 deaths there are currently under investigation.

It isn't simply a matter of poor quality control; this is blatantly fraudulent. All in the interest of money.

I check everything I can about every product I buy and make decisions accordingly.
Eh, XENOPHOBIC is a word. http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Xenocentrism I've just traditionally been shy of everything that seems to identify buying from other nations as "unpatriotic", or something like that. But I do think that the information should at least be labeled, I should've put that in the above post. I just fear people are easily manipulated and will be pursuaded to not by from another nation based on an infactual infomercial or something.


Its your dollar you should be able to support what ever you want with it. Unless its kiddie porn or murder.
I guess the site of chestnut eating 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes would really gross Darla out. Missed it this year but heard Kobiachi blew chunks ate them and kept going.
I guess the site of chestnut eating 66 hot dogs in 12 minutes would really gross Darla out. Missed it this year but heard Kobiachi blew chunks ate them and kept going.

I turn it off when they even mention that it's coming up. Even Olberman, I turn him off.

It's always nice to know what Americans are riveted by though, and why they have no time to read the damned newspaper.