Is this your homework?
Lately I have been musing on the ideas of continuance of consciousness and the self.
What is the self. I would describe it as the mind that is a result of the accumulated experience and knowledge. However this can be transcribed to another body but this isn't self.
In addition it must be a linear continuation of conscience in the same vessel.
But what is the demarcation between what continues infomation yet annihilates the self and what does not.
Let us delve into this idea.
You would not submit to have the vessel of your body destroyed if all your memories, knowledge and experience could be transferred to a written record. This record cannot act and mere information is not the self but a combination of the information and a vessel through which to interact. A text is not sentient and cannot benefit nor live through the information attached to it.
However what of transferring this data to a machine that can import and export informaiton or even a biological machine. The tether of consciousness would be snapped and even if this new machine had all your memories personality and knowledge it wouldn't be you.
I meander to the transporter in star trek. In the show the device worked by converting the body of the crewman to energy saving the information and recreating it at a new location. I had often thought that these men were fools as they willfully committed suicide to create a facsimilie in another location. Of course this facsimilie was none the wiser that it was just a recreation as it was no different than the original yet the original had died.
However the above example is a total obliteration of the vessel of the mind and seat of consciousness. What of a partial destruction of this vessel and how much can be destroyed before the self is destroyed.
We know that our cells in our body do not have the longevity our bodies have as a whole. Over the course of every seven years all the cells in our body are replaced including nerve cells in our cerebral cortex. Thus ass the nerves operating in my mind as I type will be gone seven years from now.
The information that makes our memories and knowledge is copies into new cells via mitosis. We do not however view this process as the obliteration of the self even though seven years from now all that will remain of my current mind is a copy. This is because it does not happen all at once and is incremental. But should this matter?
At what rate does the reproduction of the brain and the mind within allow for the continuation of the self and at what rate does it no longer do so.
For that matter would even a portion of my brain being a replica of its current state mean that I have in affect died. Since this is happening with great frequency is my current level of consciousness merely a fleeting of life lasting minutes or seconds?
If this is true does life even matter? If our lives are so short and we just will our bodies to a copy of ourselves what does it matter if that copy inherits our consciousness or not?
What do you all think?
What is the self. I would describe it as the mind that is a result of the accumulated experience and knowledge. However this can be transcribed to another body but this isn't self.
In addition it must be a linear continuation of conscience in the same vessel.
But what is the demarcation between what continues infomation yet annihilates the self and what does not.
Let us delve into this idea.
You would not submit to have the vessel of your body destroyed if all your memories, knowledge and experience could be transferred to a written record. This record cannot act and mere information is not the self but a combination of the information and a vessel through which to interact. A text is not sentient and cannot benefit nor live through the information attached to it.
However what of transferring this data to a machine that can import and export informaiton or even a biological machine. The tether of consciousness would be snapped and even if this new machine had all your memories personality and knowledge it wouldn't be you.
I meander to the transporter in star trek. In the show the device worked by converting the body of the crewman to energy saving the information and recreating it at a new location. I had often thought that these men were fools as they willfully committed suicide to create a facsimilie in another location. Of course this facsimilie was none the wiser that it was just a recreation as it was no different than the original yet the original had died.
However the above example is a total obliteration of the vessel of the mind and seat of consciousness. What of a partial destruction of this vessel and how much can be destroyed before the self is destroyed.
We know that our cells in our body do not have the longevity our bodies have as a whole. Over the course of every seven years all the cells in our body are replaced including nerve cells in our cerebral cortex. Thus ass the nerves operating in my mind as I type will be gone seven years from now.
The information that makes our memories and knowledge is copies into new cells via mitosis. We do not however view this process as the obliteration of the self even though seven years from now all that will remain of my current mind is a copy. This is because it does not happen all at once and is incremental. But should this matter?
At what rate does the reproduction of the brain and the mind within allow for the continuation of the self and at what rate does it no longer do so.
For that matter would even a portion of my brain being a replica of its current state mean that I have in affect died. Since this is happening with great frequency is my current level of consciousness merely a fleeting of life lasting minutes or seconds?
If this is true does life even matter? If our lives are so short and we just will our bodies to a copy of ourselves what does it matter if that copy inherits our consciousness or not?
What do you all think?