A point to ponder concerning Romney.

Called a “militant millennial movement” by renowned Mormon historian David L. Bigler, Mormonism’s founding theology was based upon a literal takeover of the U.S. government. In light of the theology and divine prophecies of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, unamended by the LDS hierarchy, it would seem that the office of the American presidency is the ultimate ecclesiastical position to which a Mormon leader might aspire. So it is not the LDS cosmology that is relevant to Romney’s candidacy, but whether devout 21stcentury Mormons like Romney believe that the American presidency is also a theological position.

Since his first campaign in 2008, Romney has attempted to keep debate about his religion out of the political discourse. The issue is not whether there is a religious test for political office; the Constitution prohibits it. Instead, the question is whether, past all of the flip-flops on virtually every policy, he has an underlying religious conception of the presidency and the American government. At the recent GOP presidential debate in Florida, Romney professed that the Declaration of Independence is a theological document, not specific to the rebellious 13 colonies, but establishing a covenant “between God and man.” Which would suggest that Mitt Romney views the American presidency as a theological office."


Scary shit.

(Excerpt) ....from its inception Mormonism encouraged material prosperity and abundance as a measure of holy worth,...(End)

Scary shit for sure!
I think Evince's response in msg #14 is appropriate, "Do you understand the difference between a senator and leader of the free world?"

Just as a note other commentators have stated elsewhere Americans, in general, tend to prefer/vote for people who believe in God. How many avowed atheists have been elected? According to statistics it's illogical to assume every member of Congress believes in God so it's logical to assume many people who profess to be "Christians" are Christians in name only. Of course, it's necessary to delve into how much of a Christian they are. What do they really believe? Again, going on assumptions or logical conclusions it's reasonable to believe anyone who donates a million dollars to a specific church (Romney ---> Mormons) believes in what their church is preaching.

and as i told evince, that is pure hackery. it should not make one wit of difference whether they are a senator or a presidential candidate. and, reid is the senate majority leader. arguably having as much power as the president when it comes to running the country.

you only care because romney is a republican. i bet you didn't like it when people brought obama's religion.
and as i told evince, that is pure hackery. it should not make one wit of difference whether they are a senator or a presidential candidate. and, reid is the senate majority leader. arguably having as much power as the president when it comes to running the country.

you only care because romney is a republican. i bet you didn't like it when people brought obama's religion.

As I stated in msg #20, "...many people who profess to be "Christians" are Christians in name only." Which individual is most likely to follow/adhere to their religion; one who donates a million dollars to their church or he who "throws his pastor under the bus"?
As I stated in msg #20, "...many people who profess to be "Christians" are Christians in name only." Which individual is most likely to follow/adhere to their religion; one who donates a million dollars to their church or he who "throws his pastor under the bus"?

so obama is better because he is not as devoted to his religion...that is purely laughable. obama didn't throw him under the bus UNTIL his pastor became a political liability. that says more about obama than romney giving a million dollars to his church, in fact it puts obama in a far worse light than romney.
so obama is better because he is not as devoted to his religion...that is purely laughable. obama didn't throw him under the bus UNTIL his pastor became a political liability. that says more about obama than romney giving a million dollars to his church, in fact it puts obama in a far worse light than romney.

Quite the contrary. It shows that Obama was telling the truth. Being in attendance is one thing. Believing in what the speaker is saying is quite another.

As for being less devoted to ones religion there's nothing laughable about it. Whether it's sanctioning slavery, "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." Numbers 31: 17,18. or genocide as in the case of the Amalekites, "Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey." (1 Sam. 15:2-3), it's nice to know Obama keeps a healthy distance from one who preaches and/or believes in such vile things.

Contrast that to one who adheres to a religion, a religion started by a known felon, a religion that not only encompasses the Holy Bible (excerpts above) but proposes Jesus visited North America, a religion that was openly racist and believes to the point of donating one million dollars to said religion.

Call me a partisan hack but I'd prefer to have the former ones finger on the nuclear button.
24 more fucking days until we no longer have to talk about this guy Romney.

Can't get here quick enough.

Oh well, tonight should be fun.

I wish they'd let them box tonight, that would be great.
24 more fucking days until we no longer have to talk about this guy Romney.

Can't get here quick enough.

Oh well, tonight should be fun.

I wish they'd let them box tonight, that would be great.

no one is forcing you to talk about him now

you can stop anytime you want :pke:
UOTE=apple0154;1090368]Quite the contrary. It shows that Obama was telling the truth. Being in attendance is one thing. Believing in what the speaker is saying is quite another.

that is not what happened at all apple. he threw him under the bus when his political ratings were being hurt by his reverend. it had ZERO to do with the beliefs of the speaker. you don't sit in a church for 20 years and not believe in what the preacher is saying. if you want to believe obama was merely a bench warmer, then he is worse than romney.

As for being less devoted to ones religion there's nothing laughable about it. Whether it's sanctioning slavery, "Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." Numbers 31: 17,18. or genocide as in the case of the Amalekites, "Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey." (1 Sam. 15:2-3), it's nice to know Obama keeps a healthy distance from one who preaches and/or believes in such vile things.

nobody preaches those things apple, because they are stories in the bible and were commands issued only for a set time and place. you really need to understand christianity much more than you do before you start spouting off things that have no foundation in reality.

Contrast that to one who adheres to a religion, a religion started by a known felon, a religion that not only encompasses the Holy Bible (excerpts above) but proposes Jesus visited North America, a religion that was openly racist and believes to the point of donating one million dollars to said religion.

would you be concerned if a candidate was a muslim?
that is not what happened at all apple. he threw him under the bus when his political ratings were being hurt by his reverend. it had ZERO to do with the beliefs of the speaker. you don't sit in a church for 20 years and not believe in what the preacher is saying. if you want to believe obama was merely a bench warmer, then he is worse than romney.

Of course people sit there and don't believe the crap. Whether some go to show off their "new hat" or use it for business connections it's a social function.

nobody preaches those things apple, because they are stories in the bible and were commands issued only for a set time and place. you really need to understand christianity much more than you do before you start spouting off things that have no foundation in reality.

The reality is we're talking genocide. Whether yesterday or 3000 years ago I'd like to know the circumstances before I get behind the entity that not only encouraged it but insisted upon it. I take genocide and things like the total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah seriously. Surely there were children in those two cities.

Perhaps you need to read the Bible with an open mind.

would you be concerned if a candidate was a muslim?

No more so than a Christian. I mean, when it comes to adultery is it more humane to stone someone to death or cut off their head? I would imagine being stoned to death would be a more painful and agonizing way to die but I can't say for sure. What say you?
No more so than a Christian. I mean, when it comes to adultery is it more humane to stone someone to death or cut off their head? I would imagine being stoned to death would be a more painful and agonizing way to die but I can't say for sure. What say you?

I'm puzzled why you continue to know so little about religion, yet persist in talking about it.......
Any person in a position of responsibility and charged with serving others, whether it be the boy scouts or the nation, must have had sufficient education to be capable of rational thought.
Before taking any position he/she should prove that capability.

A man who believes that a) There was actually a garden of eden and, b) that it was located in Missouri MUST bring his capabilities of rational thought into question. Any man who, similarly, cannot understand, when the evidence is before him, that the mother of jesus was a 'maiden' (perhaps unmarried) and not a 'virgin' must similarly bring suspicion upon himself regarding his powers of rationality. (Although, it has to be said, that the latter is far deeper ingrained into western culture than the former).

The fact that a survey recently showed that 1 in 5 Americans had no faith yet out of 535 members of your house of 'Representatives' (that is quite a significant word - representatives) only one dared to say he was not religious. To extrapolate there should have been at least 100 other congressmen who had the courage to be honest.

But they dare not. They dare not be honest with their electorate because of the four fifths who say they have a religion, a goodly proportion are, to take a common English phrase from Dawkins, barking mad.

America has arrived at a point in its evolution where political correctness and the desire to be offended has taken priority over good sense and sensible governance.

Any president, any arm of government who can continue to keep America on course must have our greatest respect.

And to bring all that up to the relevance of November, your present Whitehouse incumbent, despite his avowed belief in fairies, has shown much of the rationality a nation like America deserves. He may not be the answer to everyone's prayers, but my goodness, there are at least some palpable signs of sanity.
Any person in a position of responsibility and charged with serving others, whether it be the boy scouts or the nation, must have had sufficient education to be capable of rational thought.
Before taking any position he/she should prove that capability.

A man who believes that a) There was actually a garden of eden and, b) that it was located in Missouri MUST bring his capabilities of rational thought into question. Any man who, similarly, cannot understand, when the evidence is before him, that the mother of jesus was a 'maiden' (perhaps unmarried) and not a 'virgin' must similarly bring suspicion upon himself regarding his powers of rationality. (Although, it has to be said, that the latter is far deeper ingrained into western culture than the former).

The fact that a survey recently showed that 1 in 5 Americans had no faith yet out of 535 members of your house of 'Representatives' (that is quite a significant word - representatives) only one dared to say he was not religious. To extrapolate there should have been at least 100 other congressmen who had the courage to be honest.

But they dare not. They dare not be honest with their electorate because of the four fifths who say they have a religion, a goodly proportion are, to take a common English phrase from Dawkins, barking mad.

America has arrived at a point in its evolution where political correctness and the desire to be offended has taken priority over good sense and sensible governance.

Any president, any arm of government who can continue to keep America on course must have our greatest respect.

And to bring all that up to the relevance of November, your present Whitehouse incumbent, despite his avowed belief in fairies, has shown much of the rationality a nation like America deserves. He may not be the answer to everyone's prayers, but my goodness, there are at least some palpable signs of sanity.

"Any person in a position of responsibility and charged with serving others, whether it be the boy scouts or the nation, must have had sufficient education to be capable of rational thought."

That's exactly it in a nut shell and for the life of me I can't fathom why some people don't understand that.
"Any person in a position of responsibility and charged with serving others, whether it be the boy scouts or the nation, must have had sufficient education to be capable of rational thought."

That's exactly it in a nut shell and for the life of me I can't fathom why some people don't understand that.

Logically then....you would prefer a known failure because he has a degree of education.....?
Any person in a position of responsibility and charged with serving others, whether it be the boy scouts or the nation, must have had sufficient education to be capable of rational thought.
Before taking any position he/she should prove that capability.

A man who believes that a) There was actually a garden of eden and, b) that it was located in Missouri MUST bring his capabilities of rational thought into question. Any man who, similarly, cannot understand, when the evidence is before him, that the mother of jesus was a 'maiden' (perhaps unmarried) and not a 'virgin' must similarly bring suspicion upon himself regarding his powers of rationality. (Although, it has to be said, that the latter is far deeper ingrained into western culture than the former).

As opposed to a man that thinks the Garden of Eden is somewhere in the sky along with Paradise ?
Don't most Christians believe that Mother of Jesus story ?...and weren't the vast majority of Presidents Christian ?
The fact that a survey recently showed that 1 in 5 Americans had no faith yet out of 535 members of your house of 'Representatives' (that is quite a significant word - representatives) only one dared to say he was not religious. To extrapolate there should have been at least 100 other congressmen who had the courage to be honest.

But they dare not. They dare not be honest with their electorate because of the four fifths who say they have a religion, a goodly proportion are, to take a common English phrase from Dawkins, barking mad.
There is a large variety of religious groups in Hong Kong, including Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism and Jainism. As of 2010 the region is home to approximately 1.5 million Buddhists, 1 million Taoists, 480.000 Protestants, 353.000 Roman Catholics, 220.000 Muslims, 40.000 Hindus, 10.000 Sikhs

Are they too, barking mad ?

America has arrived at a point in its evolution where political correctness and the desire to be offended has taken priority over good sense and sensible governance.
Any president, any arm of government who can continue to keep America on course must have our greatest respect.

And to bring all that up to the relevance of November, your present Whitehouse incumbent, despite his avowed belief in fairies, has shown much of the rationality a nation like America deserves. He may not be the answer to everyone's prayers, but my goodness, there are at least some palpable signs of sanity.

So, one mans belief in his fairies is preferred to another mans belief in his fairies ?....interesting.
And I'm puzzled why you post such comments when you offer no proof whatsoever.

do you really think anyone requires proof that Christianity does not teach stoning anyone to death?......I expect you're the only one here stupid enough to believe they do.....it is not necessary to prove that fucking idiots are fucking idiots when they wear placards saying "I am a fucking idiot" around their neck......