A psychedelic trip could tackle depression in a way that antidepressants can't

The S. divinorum used to be legal but because so many ppl were using it for self-exploration and tripping, of course it had to be reclassified as a controlled substance and therefore illegal..... by state. In some states it is still legal.


What did you like about the shrooms? What experiences did you have?

I recall a lot of giddiness. A mellow feeling. A feeling of well-being. And no hangover. Just very pleasant. More so than even pot. And that was the weaker pot of the 70s. The last time I did the stronger strain of today, I found it to be much more intense.
I recall a lot of giddiness. A mellow feeling. A feeling of well-being. And no hangover. Just very pleasant. More so than even pot. And that was the weaker pot of the 70s. The last time I did the stronger strain of today, I found it to be much more intense.

Definitely.... today's weed is amazingly strong.

It's a never-ending source of wonder to me that the Puritans beseech the govt. to ban natural substances that do no harm, and that make ppl feel good like you described. Yet guns are perfectly fine, so is alcohol, and so are prescription drugs.
Magic Mushroom were a LSD type head buzz but more natural feeling,body was kind of a drunk feeling,balance a bit unsteady.
Lot of laughing.
I wondered about the South American drink the Mexicans gave Nancy on Weeds,seemed interesting stuff.
the reason that you are trippin" is because you are dying you dumasses. it ain't a head buzz or a body buzz or a social buzz . IF YOU ARE TRIPPING, YOU ARE DYING.
Brain scan studies and several clinical trials suggest that psychedelic drugs tamp down on the activity in these circuits, potentially providing relief that may last a few weeks, several months, or even years.

"Psychedelics disrupt that process so people can escape," Nutt said. "At least for the duration of the trip, they can escape about the rumination about depression or alcohol or obsessions. And then they do not necessarily go back."
medically correct description of nerve cell ganglia activity.
also the thought process being tamped down in the frontal cortex,
means a greater ability of cognition beyond the id level of pleasure seeking

Long time ago I saw a film on this - it's not disassociative thought like hebephrenia
it's more about where in the brain the process are attenuated
Magic Mushroom were a LSD type head buzz but more natural feeling,body was kind of a drunk feeling,balance a bit unsteady.
Lot of laughing.
I wondered about the South American drink the Mexicans gave Nancy on Weeds,seemed interesting stuff.

Yep. Lots of laughing.
I have been too timid to try anything stronger than weed, figuring I'd be the one-in-a-thousand who would have a bad trip and end up living in a locked psych ward forever. lol

Microdosing might be up your alley if you're afraid of actually tripping. Microdosing is essentially taking very tiny doses, about 1/10th of a normal dose, so you won't trip at all. It's purely for the mental benefits. Microdosing LSD is extremely popular among tech entrepreneurs, particularly Silicon Valley. They attribute alot of their success to it.



That being said, I am very curious about salvia divinorum. Have you ever known anyone who tried it?

Yep. Experiences vary of course but it's actually generally considered to be much more potent than LSD and mushrooms, despite the fact it only lasts about 10-15mins. Though it's a short trip, it screws with your sense of time so it could easily feel like hours. Not the best one for amateurs imho. If you were theoretically curious enough to experiment with a psychedelic, I would go for a microdose (.5 grams or so) of the magical mushrooms. Brew it in your evening tea or something.
Microdosing might be up your alley if you're afraid of actually tripping. Microdosing is essentially taking very tiny doses, about 1/10th of a normal dose, so you won't trip at all. It's purely for the mental benefits. Microdosing LSD is extremely popular among tech entrepreneurs, particularly Silicon Valley. They attribute alot of their success to it.



Yep. Experiences vary of course but it's actually generally considered to be much more potent than LSD and mushrooms, despite the fact it only lasts about 10-15mins. Though it's a short trip, it screws with your sense of time so it could easily feel like hours. Not the best one for amateurs imho. If you were theoretically curious enough to experiment with a psychedelic, I would go for a microdose (.5 grams or so) of the magical mushrooms. Brew it in your evening tea or something.

basically, microdosing kills your cognition just enough to open the human mind and soul to demonic/ spiritual influences which are unclean spirits of antichrist; hence their ambitions of evil. they are actually altering the earth antichrist / pro one world order/ "illuminati"/ illuminated ones. the "light" in them is darkness. I am done. this shit is right on schedule...
Magic Mushroom were a LSD type head buzz but more natural feeling,body was kind of a drunk feeling,balance a bit unsteady.
Lot of laughing.
I wondered about the South American drink the Mexicans gave Nancy on Weeds,seemed interesting stuff.

Ayahuasca? That's DMT. Or one form of it anyway, the more potent form. It also comes in a powder you can smoke which is less potent than the tea and doesn't last as long. DMT is extremely strong shit. Blows every other psychedelic completely out of the water. It's usually recommended you go to South America and seek an experienced shaman to assist you.

I like this video Joe Rogan did on it.

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basically, microdosing kills your cognition just enough to open the human mind and soul to demonic/ spiritual influences which are unclean spirits of antichrist; hence their ambitions of evil. they are actually altering the earth antichrist / pro one world order/ "illuminati"/ illuminated ones. the "light" in them is darkness. I am done. this shit is right on schedule...

Ayahuasca? That's DMT. Or one form of it anyway, the more potent form. It also comes in a powder you can smoke which is less potent than the tea and doesn't last as long. DMT is extremely strong shit. Blows every other psychedelic completely out of the water. It's usually recommended you go to South America and seek an experienced shaman to assist you.

I like this video Joe Rogan did on it.

Yes,that's the stuff,Ayahusasca!