A quote for jpp


on indefiniate mod break
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

Thomas Paine

this is why I don't bother with much of your idiocy anymore.

You can keep whining. I'll keep winning.
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

Thomas Paine

this is why I don't bother with much of your idiocy anymore.

You can keep whining. I'll keep winning.

Using Reason like a true neckbeard


What do you know, if you use Logic and Reason you find that everything that supports the material interests of a lazy entitled resentful white male who is afraid to step outside of his financier dad's million dollar McMansion in the hellish burbs of Massachusetts, is officially correct by Logic and Reason! Who would've thought that white males have a right to anything they want!

It really goes to show you what a 3rd rate classless forum JPP is, when a staff member starts personal attack threads about another forum member!

Isn't that considered "ABUSE OF POWER"?
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”

Thomas Paine

this is why I don't bother with much of your idiocy anymore.

You can keep whining. I'll keep winning.
Does this make you feel better, more powerful? Just wondering if I post this to Trump if it will help? Is it like powering up in a video game?
It really goes to show you what a 3rd rate classless forum JPP is, when a staff member starts personal attack threads about another forum member!

Isn't that considered "ABUSE OF POWER"?
No, it’s merely called insecurity of the poster. He is allowed his personal opinions, it wasn’t done in mod capacity. You have to understand, assertive women scare Grind. He does this as a kind of force field.
Using Reason like a true neckbeard


What do you know, if you use Logic and Reason you find that everything that supports the material interests of a lazy entitled resentful white male who is afraid to step outside of his financier dad's million dollar McMansion in the hellish burbs of Massachusetts, is officially correct by Logic and Reason! Who would've thought that white males have a right to anything they want!


Based on the photo, you must be doxxing Jade.