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I agree, but what comprises 'constitutionality' is debatable. It's why we have a Supreme Court lol.
If the Drug War is constitutional, then the Supreme Court needs to articulate why the federal government found it necessary to amend the Constitution to prohibit alcohol in 1919.
I don't care about the taxes. Politicians have a seemingly infinite number of ways to raise taxes. I'd prefer they do it in some other way than legalizing hard drugs.
Then you have no problem that drug cartels and terrorist collect huge tax-free profits from the prohibition of some drugs and you prefer, (over government taxation), they reap the spoils of addiction, right?
I like my idea better. There's no good reason for jailing drug addicts. It's costly and over crowds jails and prisons. For the same cost, they can be placed into rehab for 12 months. It would create an immediate demand for drug rehabilitation centers and create private sector jobs.
I think we both agree that creating jobs is the best way to increase government revenue.
Many States are already doing that because they have discovered that rehabilitation cost no more and maybe even less than incarceration and it relieves jail overload.
However, your idea does nothing to relieve the violence in our streets and along our borders. It does nothing to reduce the corrupting of politicians and cops. It does nothing to reduce the billions of dollars the federal government waste on a failed absurd Drug War. It does nothing to take away the huge tax-free profits that criminals and terrorist realize from the Drug War and it does nothing to restore respect and promoting of our Constitution.