Son when it comes to science you are dumber than a bagfull of hammers. Bush used funding for existing lines which had little if any scientific value as these lines proved unfruitful and new lines were not available to be developed due the restrictions placed on developing new lines by the Bush administration.
You shouldn't pop off at the mouth about something for which you are not only uninformed but are profoundly ignorant of. Due to Bush's politicization of stem cell research a very important new technology, which was originally founded by US Scientist had to be developed over seas due to the Bush administrations knee capping our scientist.
The facts remain facts...sorry about that
BUSH NEVER banned stem cell research and BUSH WAS THE FIRST PRESIDENT to use federal money FOR stem cell research...
Bush did not support creating embryonic stem cells for the sole purpose of using those cells for research....
If you can't tell the truth....STFU for a change...