A 'silent' COVID surge may hit the US over the holidays, experts warn

Yak is ronery. It must be pretty quiet around the old folks home with most of the staff on vacation and most of the residents home with their families.

FWIW, I support assisted suicide. If they are hateful or evil, I support holding them down if necessary. :thup: /joke

Approximately 40% of adults aged 65 years and older will need skilled residential nursing care at some point in their lifetime.1 Older adults have among the highest suicide risks in the United States2; the rate of suicide among men aged 65 years and older is 30 per 100 000; by contrast, it is 7 per 100 000 for men younger than 25 years.3 A key element of suicide prevention is the identification of points of engagement to interact with potential victims.4 Risk factors for suicide, such as social isolation, depression, and functional impairment, are common among long-term care (LTC) residents,5–7 and these facilities may therefore be important locations for preventing suicide among older adults. Indeed, the 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act mandated screening of LTC admissions to facilitate appropriate placement and increased psychiatric services,8 and the Minimum Data Set 3.0 includes a mandatory screener for depressive symptoms and suicidal ideation.9 Nearly 1.5 million adults reside in nursing homes,10,11 and another 1 million reside in assisted living facilities.12
Michael Yon said for months running up to the election that Trump still pushing the Jabs.....and that he is still claiming that rolling them out and coercing people to take them was the right thing to do, was disqualifying....that he would not vote for Trump on that basis alone.
Michael Yon said for months running up to the election that Trump still pushing the Jabs.....still claiming that rolling them out and coercing people to take them was the right thing to do, was disqualifying....that he would not vote for Trump on that basis alone.
I've read that eating copious amounts of Fentanyl can help relax any anxieties you have. :)
What experts? You better double mask and get a couple more boosters just to be safe.
My recommendation for you is to never go to a doctor since they are registered with the government and to never, ever be vaccinated. That's how they inject the nanobots into you.

The nanobots die after a year or so which is why "boosters" are pushed. Even if you had had vaccinations or seen a doctor in the past, just stop.
Wait a year and never go back. :thup: