You do waste a LOT of time and space expressing your ignorant opinions as if they are fact.
The right to self defense is inherent. That's a fact. The Constitution of the United States exists. That's a fact. People still support it. That's a fact.
I'll just take them down by the numbers with a little logical review:
You deny logic. Logic isn't a review.
Inherent simply because you are living, breathing being. You have the right to defend yourself.
Where do you think you "inherit" any right(s) under USA law?
Guess you don't know what 'inherent' means.
Hint: Groups of people map out LAWS that include RIGHTS and get the masses to agree upon them.
Rights do not come from laws.
That's how we live together without consistently trying to kill, steal or enslave each other.
Yet people kill, steal, and try to enslave another.
Without such documentation (Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendments), any yahoo can claim the right to anything...and if they have the physical means to get away with it, they YOU have no right to disagree. THAT'S HOW ANIMALS DO IT. Capice'?
No right comes from any piece of paper. The Constitution also includes the Bill of Rights and all other amendments. Since you specifically brought up the Constitution, read Article I and the 2nd amendment.
2. History proves you wrong.
Quite the opposite, actually.
Go to your local library and learn how there were rules and regulations by colonial states regarding possession and up keep of weapons.
Presentism fallacy. Discard of the Constitution of the United States. Attempt to change history. The right of self defense is inherent. It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon.
As time progressed, State & federal laws were passed were full military weapons could NOT be owned by civilians.
The 1994 AWB banned specific weapons
..and despite all of this a plethora or revolvers, hunting rifles, semi-auto guns and rifles, shot guns were available to the general public. A matter of fact, a matter of history.
.....and unconstitutional.
4. You may have all of that at your HOME...
I do. It's where I live. It's where I use it.
you do NOT carry it with you in a large backpack while going to work or food shopping or general traveling.
I don't need to carry it.
Don't lie and say you do, because no job (commercial or federal) or restaurant or business office that I know of would allow it.
I own my own business. My official policy is that if an employee wants to carry a gun to work, they can. I ask no questions. I don't need to. Every employee here understands that other employees are quite possibly armed. I have a good team. They do amazing work.
And THAT'S the problem with pushing a CCW freebie in a place like NYC,
Not a problem.
because it increases the chance of a simple argument becoming a shoot out instead of a fist fight.
No, it doesn't.
That can catch innocents with stray bullets or in the cross fire.
You would rather they become victims of thugs with guns, eh?
And it increases the chance of cops shooting the "good guy with a gun" when responding to an active crime scene.
What cops?
Special pleading fallacy.
What the SCOTUS ruling does is opens the potential for an increase in such incidences, let alone stray bullet and cross fire hits by arguments escalating into gun fights.
So? I carry a gun. I don't worry about it.
7. See #6 for a reality check.
Buzzword fallacy. You still don't know what that word means.

If you have people trying to run each other over, throwing things at each other mid traffic or getting out of cars and fist fighting, that's road rage.
It's also illegal. Quite possibly, one may use a weapon such as a baseball bat, knife, or a gun. I don't worry about it. I carry a gun.
Now add a gun in the mix.
Already there.
How stupid is it to potentially let some hot head have a gun in such an incidence, and then say, "well, give everyone a gun to protect themselves".? Ever here of the old saying, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure"?l Now you're not stupid, so don't waste time and space with stubborn repetition of "good guy with a gun" mantra, because it doesn't work here.
Gun Free Zones don't work, dude. See the recent school shootings as proof.
9. A childish and selfish response, clearly showing an indifference to fellow citizen's safety.
LIF. This is YOUR problem, attempting to ban or limit guns.
What is frightening is that YOU (allegedly) carry a gun in public with some fantasy of a Wild West or a TV cop show shoot out with you as the victor and no bystander casualties.
No fantasies. If someone starts shooting at innocents, I will shoot back. I will try to save those innocents...even if it's you.
I know you will ignore, deny and defy the facts and logic of 1-8....
No logic was used. No facts were used.
I only hope you're just an armchair troll blowing smoke, because if not you're another statistic (or cause of such) waiting to happen.
LIF. You are describing yourself because you refuse to defend yourself.