A society that does not allow crosses or veils in public is a dangerous one

1. The words "under God" were not challenged to be removed from the pledge until what decade:

Question for you. When was 'under god' introduced into the 'pledge of allegiance'?

a. 1960s
WRONG again moron, it was in 1954.

Are you ever right? I mean ever?

And since then few would dispute that religion has declined, as I have shown to you the number of atheists in America has been growing, you just tried to strawman and pick the weakest point I made and even then you failed.
Boo hoo Dano.... When have you ever beaten me (or even engaged me) in a proper debate?

Whilst the number of atheists might have increased...the influence of religion has steadily increased to the stage where the ME is a religious mess and the US has an evangelical end-timer in charge. Even the secular UK has an evangelical in charge.

Try to comprehend the fact that whilst numbers might go down, influence and ferocity has increased. That isn't a hard notion to understand.
Boo hoo Dano.... When have you ever beaten me (or even engaged me) in a proper debate?

Whilst the number of atheists might have increased...the influence of religion has steadily increased to the stage where the ME is a religious mess and the US has an evangelical end-timer in charge. Even the secular UK has an evangelical in charge.
Bullshit, there has always been a Christian in power in the US and the UK. Again Jimmy Carter was a Sunday school teacher, you had religion entering into documents in the 1950's, what do you have now?
And you know that Tony Blair is no religious fanatic, and even if he was he was never elected as such or with any religious agenda either expected of him or delivered by him. You're just being an idiot, I've debated plenty of looney-toons lefties much more retarded then you and still none of them ever tried to push such a ridiculous claim over Blair.

Try to comprehend the fact that whilst numbers might go down, influence and ferocity has increased. That isn't a hard notion to understand.[/QUOTE]
No but it's a wrong notion, you again are woefully ignorant of history, looking back at the centuries of religious warfare, the Spanish inquisition, Catherine De Medici's slaughtering, Protestant-Catholic wars, persecution of Jews, spread of Islam by army with the Moors, spread of Islam to the east, forced conversions by missionaries, etc...
There is little question they were far more driven then. The real problem is you let a combination of your obsession over religion and your opinion be shaped by the Liberal media over what kind of world scares you into taking the political stance they want and you have no honest powers of observation to see what actually is.
What about the history of the "moral majority" and other outspoken religiopolitical groups Dano ? Carter run those too ?
Ski masks are illegal to wear in many places in this country....

On the cross issue, allowing is one thing, government endoresment is an entirely different matter.