A study into the minds of Biden's haters and MAGA folks


The remora of JPP
Our President, The Pathological Liar

The sad reality is that the President of the United States, Joe Biden, is a pathological liar. This is not a new personality trait for our Commander-in-Chief, but a characteristic that has been apparent throughout his 52-year political career.


It's amazing that brandon hasn't had a real job for more than 50 years but thats secondary to his record of lying over that period of time. The man can't talk without lying. Here is a nice summary of his lies which isn't no means exhaustive


This is the scary but true part

"Unfortunately, Biden’s lies are becoming more frequent and more alarming. The United States has a President that cannot differentiate between fiction and reality."

So we either have a pathological liar running things or a delusional asshole. I'll let you decide.

It is truly a fascinating study into the minds of MAGA folks and sore losers.

And they tell us we have TDS. But geez look at them. Bad time for them.

Republicans are leaving the Trump party in droves to try to prevent the GOP from imploding.
This one is an excellent example. Truly fascinating.

Sure he is. He's always telling "fish stories" and lying about his own past. He's a serial plagiarist, finished college at the bottom of his class, and has never held a 'real' job but instead been in politics. He's extremely thin-skinned about being called out on any of that to the point that he's willing to turn the power of government on those who anger him. It's made worse by the FACT that Biden is almost always wrong on what he's saying.

The guy is a retard.
"Binary Differential Series". Heh.

Perhaps a binary search into the minds of MAGA folks needs to be ordered.

They're all pretty much the same. Sure, some are better educated or saner than others, but all believe the same lies about election fraud, the Jews, African-Americans, the genetic superiority of Euro-American males, etc.
No, but I can see that extended proximity to radiation causes brain damage.

Already have the T-shirt...

Politics is a real job. There is a lot to learn, especially in the senate. The VP and the presidency are real jobs. Biden is not almost always wrong. That is utterly dishonest.

It's a variant of George Bernard Shaw's famous quote, He who can does. He who can't teaches. Well, those that can't do, and those that can't teach, become politicians...


says the lying fuckstick liberal ROFL
Excellent summation of your life, Doolittle. Not the insult, but that fact that’s the best you have to offer.

You can’t deny you favor the violent overthrow of the US government because you think they are all traitors. You can’t deny you think anyone who supports the US government is a traitor since that’s the main thing you have against me.

Well, you can lie and deny but you know I can repost your own words revealing your true face.
It's a variant of George Bernard Shaw's famous quote, He who can does. He who can't teaches. Well, those that can't do, and those that can't teach, become politicians...



Twain was a humorist. You are not. You are not even able to understand the difference between political l humor and fact. You just harmed your own stupid premise.
Humor often rings true. Here it does too.

No, it does not. You want to believe that, so you do. Political humor requires a scent of truth,but they are telling jokes.Twain was asked if he was a member of an organized political party. He said no, I am a Democrat. It is a joke.
I’m curious.
The symptoms are the same as those who have TDS, ODS before him and BDS before all of them. Basically, people so emotionally wrought by the opposing party President that they turn every conversation to them.

A person with OBS, for example, would have constantly brought up Obama in every conversation…or Michelle. The sexual perverts love to fantasize about Michelle really being male and having a large, throbbing BBC.

If you get Damo to turn the advanced search function on again, it’s easy to find dozens of such threads and thread derails with these fanatics having such an obsession that they are considered to have “derangement syndrome”.
Humor often rings true. Here it does too.
Agreed and Twain’s quote rings true on at least two different levels: 1) Americans not happy with Congress isn’t new to our generation and 2) Twain laughed at it because he realized that was the price of democracy.

Twain wasn’t giving grist for the WSE assholes seeking to blow it all apart. He was smarter than the terrorist fuckwads and their supporters. Twain understood, as Donald Rumsfeld once stated a century later, that “Democracy is messy.” Only violent nut jobs and fucking morons don’t understand that point.