T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Agreed and Twain’s quote rings true on at least two different levels: 1) Americans not happy with Congress isn’t new to our generation and 2) Twain laughed at it because he realized that was the price of democracy.
Twain wasn’t giving grist for the WSE assholes seeking to blow it all apart. He was smarter than the terrorist fuckwads and their supporters. Twain understood, as Donald Rumsfeld once stated a century later, that “Democracy is messy.” Only violent nut jobs and fucking morons don’t understand that point.
Actually, you are wrong. Twain is saying that if congress could fuck America, congress would (eventually) fuck America. That is coming true. In a sense, he and many before him and since, think Congress has too much power and needs to be reined in and kept on a very short leash.