A Tangled Webb?


Junior Member
when at first we attempt to decieve what a tangled WEBB we weave.LOL

Senate canidate Webb, after months of sliming Allen with racist charges over the N word being used 30 years ago has a few things to answer for it would seem.

> Democratic Senate candidate James Webb on Wednesday sought to explain remarks he had made a day earlier, in which he refused to say whether he had used the "N-word," but he insisted he has never used it as a racial epithet aimed at anyone.

"I don't think that there's anyone who grew up around the South that hasn't had the word pass through their lips at one time in their life," he told the Richmond Times-Dispatch on Tuesday. "If you read 'Fields of Fire,' that word and a lot of other words are in the book." "Fields of Fire" is a novel Webb wrote about the Vietnam War.

First this flip flop and then,Not only did he use the N word, He pointed guns at the N's to scare them!

>Cragg, 67, who lives in Fairfax County, said on Wednesday that Webb described taking drives through the black neighborhood of Watts, where he and members of his ROTC unit used racial epithets and pointed fake guns at blacks to scare them.

"They would hop into their cars, and would go down to Watts with these buddies of his," Cragg said Webb told him. "They would take the rifles down there. They would call then [epithets], point the rifles at them, pull the triggers and then drive off laughing. One night, some guys caught them and beat . . . them. And that was the end of that."

exactly Ihate, so why did the WaPo run a front page story that one guy said Allen used the N word? News???? Webb is on B18
I took toby off of Ignore just because I have a great interest in Jim Webb.

right off the bat, the story is obviously flawed.

"Webb described taking drives through the black neighborhood of Watts, where he and members of his ROTC unit used racial epithets and pointed fake guns at blacks to scare them."

Webb was never IN an ROTC unit. Webb attended the United States Naval Academcy and graduated in 1968.

I guess taking him off of ignore was a bad idea.
Maine, I didn't write the story it was in the WAPost. As for the Naval academcy, seems some women are coming foward accusing Webb of making their life harder because of his actions....stay tuned for more details.
I don't care who wrote it...the guy who made the allegation is lying. Webb is USNA68. He was never IN an ROTC unit..... that is fact.
If you guys bother to read the link, that I included you could see this tidbit

>>Dan Cragg, a former acquaintance of Webb's, who said Webb used the word while describing his own behavior during his freshman year at the University of Southern California in the early 1960s. Webb later transferred to the U.S. Naval Academy.
Cragg, 67, who lives in Fairfax County, said on Wednesday that Webb described taking drives through the black neighborhood of Watts, where he and members of his ROTC unit used racial epithets and pointed fake guns at blacks to scare them
I don't care who wrote it...the guy who made the allegation is lying. Webb is USNA68. He was never IN an ROTC unit..... that is fact.

Was this the same guy who claimed he saw Bush report for duty at that Alabama National Guard base - when no one else remembered seeing bush - and this dude was later debunked?
Was Webb saying that it is okay to use the N word if you don't mean anything racial about it? LOL
Yep like toby said no bases in Pakistan. my oops, toby is back on ignore. We seem to have bases in about every "stan" there is.
If you guys bother to read the link, that I included you could see this tidbit

>>Dan Cragg, a former acquaintance of Webb's, who said Webb used the word while describing his own behavior during his freshman year at the University of Southern California in the early 1960s. Webb later transferred to the U.S. Naval Academy.
Cragg, 67, who lives in Fairfax County, said on Wednesday that Webb described taking drives through the black neighborhood of Watts, where he and members of his ROTC unit used racial epithets and pointed fake guns at blacks to scare them

Damn, tobes! pWned! LOL.
I don't give a shit what someone may have said fourty years ago. I give a shit whether they've reformed, or not:

-Cypress, on 26 September: “I could excuse his (Allen’s) behaviour if it was limited to the 1970s, and he'd since reformed.

But, there appears to be a pattern of racial insensitivity that continues to this day.”



I could excuse Allen, Byrd, and Webb, if they have been reformed since the early 1970s.

See how that works? Its called intellectual consistency and honesty.
You could excuse someone pointing a gun at a black man to scare him even if it was 30 years ago? Sould this type man be a Senator? OK with you?