A Tangled Webb?

They are both politicians guys......
Everyone has at least a miniscule skeleton in their closet.
Heck I even heard that boy Jesus pushed a boy off a roof and killed him and raised him from the dead. Bad Jesus! ;)
And I think he wound up at the temple because he was usless at handyman jobs.
Re-read that. According to the Infancy Gospel, He raised him so the boy could testify to the fact that Christ didn't push him off the roof.
The point is valid US you get the facts all mixed up. Like your Jesus story, you just can't quite get the facts staight.
If webb did this stuff its bad. But if he has changed his ways since then then I excuse his past racism.

Allen on the other hand has a well documented case of recent racism.

His welcome to America comment would be all I need to write him off for my vote.

Judge a man for who he is not who he was.

Allen is currently racist. Webb might be. If we base our vote on that alone Webb comes out ahead.
I took the Welcome to America comment to mean welcome to red state america and not a racial slight. Welcome outside the beltway of Washington.
And I can forgive but I don't think that a man who pointed a gun at a black man to scare him 30 years ago should be a Senator. I can forgive, but I don't have to accept that person as a goverment employee.
If thats what you think thats fine but I know better. Perhaps if he said that alone you could give him the benefit of the doubt but he also called him Macaca. Those two things combined make it highly likely the comment was racist.
Toby people change. I actually place more faith in people who have done something wrong in the past and changed for they know why what they done is wrong and how it affects others.
But I do find a big difference in saying a word and pointing a gun at someone. Guess that's just me............LOL
It means monkey. If webb did do this it was as a stupid kid in his early 20s. Males don't fully mature till about 25. Allen is a full grown man who is at least in his 50s.

I place a higher standard on him as he did this when he was a Senator. Webb allegedly did this as a stupid punk kid.
It means monkey. If webb did do this it was as a stupid kid in his early 20s. Males don't fully mature till about 25. Allen is a full grown man who is at least in his 50s.

I place a higher standard on him as he did this when he was a Senator. Webb allegedly did this as a stupid punk kid.


I'm not buying the Webb gun story, or the story that Allen put a deer head in the mailbox of a black family. Both these stories are from one dude, and haven't been corroborated by other sources.