A Tea Party of Stalinists

Always the gentleman. Even in the face of adversity.

St Damo. Tuppence in the offering basket!


Anyone else feel like they need an insulin shot after reading disloyal's syrupy sweet attempt at brown nosing?

btw...someone should let her know she got a little poopie on her nose when she leaned in for the smooch.
Why do you always go to the extreme? No one left or right wants a govt controlling every aspect of an individuals life. Get real. This is corporate propaganda given to you by corporate snake oil salesmen. They want you to believe that whats good for their multinational corp. sponsors is good for you. 30 years of this thinking has brought us to the brink of depression and is sucking the wealth out of the middle class which has always been the conservative plan. You might agree with this theory but wages and the state of our country says different.
your first mistake is thinking i'm beholden to corporations. Maybe that's your two party programming taking effect, the same way that all liberals are against guns, or all conservatives are for torture. FYI, corporate special interests is not just a conservative thing. Liberals have long held their corporate special interests as well. Dating back to post WW2.

I'm ready for you to respond with anger, name calling and nothing to back your ideas except propaganda given to you by your communist backers.

I'm continually surprised to see people still think of me as some sort of far right conservative when i've done nothing but preach Libertarianism to it's fullest, both fiscally and socially. In other words, getting the government off the peoples backs.

come back when you realize this.
your first mistake is thinking i'm beholden to corporations. Maybe that's your two party programming taking effect, the same way that all liberals are against guns, or all conservatives are for torture. FYI, corporate special interests is not just a conservative thing. Liberals have long held their corporate special interests as well. Dating back to post WW2.

I'm continually surprised to see people still think of me as some sort of far right conservative when i've done nothing but preach Libertarianism to it's fullest, both fiscally and socially. In other words, getting the government off the peoples backs.

come back when you realize this.

It's a wonderful fantasy world, but it's been proven INNUMERABLE TIMES that without Government regulation and oversight, then human beings are going to take advantage of the less fortunate.

Why is that so difficult for you to process?

Far Right nutjobs (not you) have continually chided Liberals about some "Liberal Utopia".

Well, you are describing a Conservative Utopia...something that will NEVER EXIST...human beings are going to cheat each other, and until that basic axiom changes then Government oversight and regulation is needed.
It's a wonderful fantasy world, but it's been proven INNUMERABLE TIMES that without Government regulation and oversight, then human beings are going to take advantage of the less fortunate.

Why is that so difficult for you to process?
It's not, nor have I ever said or advocated that there should be zero regulation or oversight. You've been listening to Mott too much. As a Libertarian, there should be just the minimum regulation and oversight and if a business or person then takes advantage of less fortunate individuals, that is what the courts are for.

Far Right nutjobs (not you) have continually chided Liberals about some "Liberal Utopia".
and in some regard, they aren't too far off the mark. It varies depending upon the person and/or claim.

Well, you are describing a Conservative Utopia...something that will NEVER EXIST...human beings are going to cheat each other, and until that basic axiom changes then Government oversight and regulation is needed.
Utopia can never exist. Ever. Under any form of government will there ever be a utopia. It just isn't going to happen. The closest I can see to Utopia actually existing would be finding myself on a deserted south pacific island with half the cast of cathouse.
I believe tea party members are confused. They want their jobs back from Asia, they want affordable healthcare, housing, economic security and a better life for their children. What they don't realize is their movement is run by the same people (Koch brothers, Republicon party, USCofC) who took their jobs and who's plan is to drive this country into 3rd world status.

I think Tea Party people want the gov't to stop taking their health care money in the form of social justice, and stop driving up health care cost with regulation, and way to much involvement.

Most people have more to lose trusting a free handout on housing from the govt, and it is each individuals responsibility to find housing for themselves, Not an excuse for govt to take my money. Keeping such people dependent.

What's best for the children is a less restrictive govt that will enable parents to provide with as little restriction because of govt over involvment as possible.

Jobs wouldn't be an issue if the people you indorse (and probably vote into office each election) were investigated and held accountable.

You have a very good point about the republican higher ups. I don't trust them at all.