Scut Farkus
Verified User
People are disgusted with both parties and if you are not, you are either crazy, lying or just plain stupid. This crisis is waking people up and they needed to feel that pain to finally understand how used and abused the average American is. I did not kill the American dream did you? Did you mother? Your cat? Your 3rd grade teacher? No...the fucking rotten Republ-cons did beginning with Reagan and over the past few decades the so-called Democrats have followed suit. There is nothing recognizable about the Dem party anymore. Both corporate owned parties need to be replaced and they need to be frightened of the people who rightfully own the government. These two c***k-s***ing parties have just pulled off the biggest money transfer heist in our history and they need to be real scared and pay for what they have done. We need rent strikes and taking to the streets. I see people organizing and this needs to happen.
elections are done man, cuz my virus. the nwo is here. now take your brain chip and sit up straight. lean in, put your back into.