A Travesty of Justice. Part 3


This next travesty of justice concerns Gregory and Travis McMichales being given life on prison without the possibility of parole for the justified killing of ahmaud arbery. The person who recorded the event, William Bryan, was just given life in prison. Though he will be eligible for parole in 30 years. None of the defendants in that kangaroo court were even fucking allowed to defend themselves. At least not in any way that mattered. Which was in talking about ahmaud arbery himself. If they had been allowed to, the jury would have been able to find out what kind of person ahmaud arbery was. But I will tell you who he was. He was a fucking criminal! And he was criminally insane!

Have you ever wondered why he was desperate enough to try and take a shotgun from Travis? Because at the time he was on felony fucking probation!!! They tried to paint him as an innocent jogger. He wasn't. When he was first confronted by the McMichales, he took off like a rabbit. There were a couple good pieces of bullshit I heard about the confrontation. I will show you the video. One of the pieces of bullshit was that the McMichaels chased him down. But in the video, you can clearly see arbery running towards the McMichaels truck. So if anybody was being chased, it was them. The other piece of bullshit was that he had nowhere to run. Which is moronic at best. He could have run back the other way. He could have ran off to the right or left in either direction. (Or just at an angle) Or when he got to the McMichaels truck, he could have just kept running past. But he didn't. He decided to attack Travis instead and try to take his shotgun from him. Which ended up in him being turned into a good negro. It took 3 shots from the shotgun to bring that raging human-zee down.

I will give you a link to a website to see what the jury wasn't allowed to hear about arbery. It will be followed by the video of the confrontation itself. In which you can see Travis being attacked. Arbery was the aggressor. Any time you see the two of them in frame, it is arbery advancing and Travis back peddling trying to get away from him. Lastly, I will post a picture of one of arbery's mugshots. Like it or not, the only reason the McMichaels and Bryan are in jail is because they are White! Is it any wonder why so many White people think blacks should be sent back to Africa? Or that the only use black people could be if there was a way of turning them into toilet paper?


arbery mugshot.JPG
Skip all the bullshit.

You're ok with the arbitrary murder of black people.
You can say it in fewer words than that if you find it so important for everybody to know.

If an African-American gunman decides that it would be cool to cap your sorry ass, are we to feel bad about it?
I think not.
Skip all the bullshit.

You're ok with the arbitrary murder of black people.
You can say it in fewer words than that if you find it so important for everybody to know.

If an African-American gunman decides that it would be cool to cap your sorry ass, are we to feel bad about it?
I think not.

Didn't you read the thread? Didn't you click on the link I gave? There was nothing "arbitrary" about it. The McMichaels had good cause for trying to stop the CRIMINAL arbery! Tell me, just how long have you hated Whites. And what do you hate about us.
Didn't you read the thread? Didn't you click on the link I gave? There was nothing "arbitrary" about it. The McMichaels had good cause for trying to stop the CRIMINAL arbery! Tell me, just how long have you hated Whites. And what do you hate about us.

They didn't have good cause to murder him, CFM.
Didn't you read the thread? Didn't you click on the link I gave? There was nothing "arbitrary" about it. The McMichaels had good cause for trying to stop the CRIMINAL arbery! Tell me, just how long have you hated Whites. And what do you hate about us.

Start your race war you two gallon zip lock bag full of monkey diarrhea

See just how quick you get dead
You idiot racists have outlived your use to mankind

Your time has expired

Fuck off and climb down into the sewer where you belong

Reclaim your family cement outcropping and wave at the turds floating by

Shut the fuck up and hide

Mankind’s hates you
Didn't you read the thread? Didn't you click on the link I gave? There was nothing "arbitrary" about it. The McMichaels had good cause for trying to stop the CRIMINAL arbery! Tell me, just how long have you hated Whites. And what do you hate about us.

For what it's worth, most Italians are considered white, and I'm a relatively fair-skinned one.

What I hate are right wing assholes, banjofuck.
Start your race war you two gallon zip lock bag full of monkey diarrhea

See just how quick you get dead

Oh, is that why you hate Whites? Because you're afraid of them negroids and it's just safer to hate Whites? You are so low that not even a tapeworm would want to live inside you.
You idiot racists have outlived your use to mankind

Your time has expired

Fuck off and climb down into the sewer where you belong

Reclaim your family cement outcropping and wave at the turds floating by

Shut the fuck up and hide

Mankind’s hates you

You are worthy to suck the maggots out of a dead elephants penis.
Oh, is that why you hate Whites? Because you're afraid of them negroids and it's just safer to hate Whites? You are so low that not even a tapeworm would want to live inside you.

Fuck off you stupid self hating racist

Pretty sick and twisted that you racists hate being labeled the racists you are

Everyone hates racists

Even racists

But actual racists are too stupid to realize maybe they should not be racists if they hate racists
For what it's worth, most Italians are considered white, and I'm a relatively fair-skinned one.

What I hate are right wing assholes, banjofuck.

Yeah, and mexicans consider themselves to be White too. But reality doesn't work that way. By the way, do you know what sound the spaghetti made when it hit the floor? WOP!
Fuck off you stupid self hating racist

Pretty sick and twisted that you racists hate being labeled the racists you are

Everyone hates racists

Even racists

But actual racists are too stupid to realize maybe they should not be racists if they hate racists

This is my thread. I spoke the truth. If you don't like it, take this opportunity to piss off and stop reading my threads.
Did. Did. You're an idiot to think that was worth murdering a man. Certified Fucking Moron.

Speaking to brain damaged things such as yourself is interesting. I wonder what you see when you see in the video arbery trying to take Travis's gun from him. And when you see arbery punching Travis, do you see Travis hitting arbery in the fist with his face? Can you really be so stupid as to think that Travis should have let a criminal take his gun from him? And somebody who, as it turned out, was criminally insane? I wonder how many black dicks you have actually sucked.
This is my thread. I spoke the truth. If you don't like it, take this opportunity to piss off and stop reading my threads.
It's not your thread, dumbass. It's Damo's thread. You only started it. You have the option of threadbanning people whenever you start a thread and I encourage that option since it identifies the pussified members of JPP.

Example of one of JPP's most pussified members: https://www.justplainpolitics.com/s...-Now-an-Albatross-for-the-Dems&highlight=earl
Speaking to brain damaged things such as yourself is interesting. I wonder what you see when you see in the video arbery trying to take Travis's gun from him. And when you see arbery punching Travis, do you see Travis hitting arbery in the fist with his face? Can you really be so stupid as to think that Travis should have let a criminal take his gun from him? And somebody who, as it turned out, was criminally insane? I wonder how many black dicks you have actually sucked.
How many blacks have you killed? How many do you want to kill, CFM?