If they were Left Wingering Socialists, I'd bet you'd flip-flop like a dropped goldfish, Fredo. LOL
Wrong. If they were, they would have attempted to burn the place down, looted it, and shot a few cops.
If they were Left Wingering Socialists, I'd bet you'd flip-flop like a dropped goldfish, Fredo. LOL
It sure as hell was. It came close to succeeding. it was the most significant act against the American govt, since the War of 1812.
It was more serious than the Banker Putsch in the 1930s.
why would a sitting president need some unarmed trespassers to "seize control"?
he was already in control.
you people are stupid as fuck.
Then why the speech? The march on the Capitol? Why was Herr Trump so upset the Secret Service wouldn't take him to the attack?
Nutjobs have selective memory.
"And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."
fight -- 3. To engage in a quarrel; argue.
Why weren't you there, Fredo? Laundry Day? Couldn't leave the state? No bus fare? Skeered?
TS you need to add...
"A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” Trump wrote
I can see why so many African-Americans dislike the Republican moves to disenfranchise them. Interesting that you support the rights of all Americans against the assholes pedo supporters who seek to disenfranchise American citizens, TD. Kudos!Easy; when voters see that their elections have been changed by unelected jurists and bureaucrats and realize that they have most likely been disenfranchised.
Liar whining about lies? Wow.
This one needs a padded cell in the worst way.
Yet another Trumpanzee taking up Islam human reproduction medical pseudoscience WW II Mengele "Angel of Death" concentration camp baptize thine eyes by urinations brainwashing traditions as SCOTUS Rehnquist George Washington University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam to continue that suicidal super ego Christiananality pedophilia tautology of "one nation under God with equal justice under law" Islamidiotocracy national religion .....