A view point.

Again, your word; what is an "honest observer"? Who decides what is honest?

What are the definitions? If one follows the definitions, then one comes to an honest conclusion based on ALL the facts. It (allegedly) took Buddha a good chunk his adult life to achieve such.
So you just like bloviating unintelligible semantics in an attempt to look like a fool. Got it. ;)

:palm: Clearly your inability to comprehend simple definitions in the language prevent you from any further mental processing or being an honest observer. All you've "got" is a printed example of your lame attempts to foist definitions that does not relate to the OP or my attempts at rational discussion with you.
:palm: Clearly your inability to comprehend simple definitions in the language prevent you from any further mental processing or being an honest observer. All you've "got" is a printed example of your lame attempts to foist definitions that does not relate to the OP or my attempts at rational discussion with you.

So "honest observer" is a term you have made up and cannot define. Got it! :thumbsup:
Without religion to guide man and provide a compass for morality, man descends to nothing more than an animal. ;)

First of all...I consider that to be nonsense.

I do not need a god to tell me what is moral. If I live in society, the society can dictate what its members will or will not tolerate. The dictates of a god is superfluous.

Second...I have no idea if you answered my question with a "yes" or a "no."
First of all...I consider that to be nonsense.
I do not need a god to tell me what is moral.

God doesn't talk to anyone. The Church does. Do you believe that mortality is inherent, or is it learned?

If I live in society, the society can dictate what its members will or will not tolerate. The dictates of a god is superfluous.

That is historically inane and absurd. The Roman society thought feeding Christians to the lions was tolerable. Were they right? The Egyptians thought enslaving people was tolerable. Were they right?

Second...I have no idea if you answered my question with a "yes" or a "no."

My answer was obvious. Read it again.
God doesn't talk to anyone. The Church does. Do you believe that mortality is inherent, or is it learned?

You do not even know if there IS a god...let alone what the god does or does not do. What you call "the Church" does speak about what it considers the desires of the god...what pleases and what offends it.

I appreciate "the Church's" guesses about all that...but I do not consider it definitive.

Are you really asking about "mortality" or are you actually asking about "morality."

As far as I am concerned, morality is what any society says it is. That having been said, I consider some societies to be pieces of shit...and the "morality" they allow to be suspect, at best.

That is historically inane and absurd. The Roman society thought feeding Christians to the lions was tolerable. Were they right? The Egyptians thought enslaving people was tolerable. Were they right?

Yeah, they were right for them.

The Americans of the American south less than two hundred years ago claimed the god of Christianity gave them leave to buy and sell black humans as slaves. They cited passages from the Bible to fortify their claim.

Were they right?

They may or may not have been...but we humans are the judges of morality. WE set the "you may not do that or you will be punished" rules that form the morality.

My answer was obvious. Read it again.

It would have been a hell of a lot more "obvious" if you had written "yes" or "no."
You do not even know if there IS a god...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

STFU assclown. :rolleyes:
What are your honest observations about Jesus Christ?

that's the faith I was raised on.....a LOT of contradiction when compared to the Old Testament, and then you have to buy into a super natural being momentarily experiencing human death, etc., etc. A lot of good ideas, but not the be all end all of logical and rational happenings when one uses one's God given common sense (no pun intended).
that's the faith I was raised on.....a LOT of contradiction when compared to the Old Testament, and then you have to buy into a super natural being momentarily experiencing human death, etc., etc. A lot of good ideas, but not the be all end all of logical and rational happenings when one uses one's God given common sense (no pun intended).
What IS the "be all end all of logical and rational happenings"? when you think about it, there's no such thing.

See, my biggest problem with your way of thinking is that you think it all ends with what YOU think you know. I've never run into a more narcissistic way of thinking. In terms of religion, YOUR reality is nowhere near MY reality.