Your 1st paragraph. I didn't say that you did. If you care for children, care equally for all children otherwise you are being hypocritical.
Again, you haven't the faintest idea what I do to support children world wide. You simply label all pro-lifers as people who only care about unborn children. How do you justify saying that no one who supports the right to live of unborn children do not care about other children? Or are you talking out of your ass because that is the only place one can pull out defenses for killing unborn children?
You say that not caring for all children is hypocritical. But then you go on to deliberately dehumanize unborn children so you can continue to support killing them at will. Again I ask, who is really the hypocrite?
2. I didn't say that either, don't think for me I can do that.
You made a big assed deal about whether I have parented children. When I asked what difference it makes, you made the remark "Raise a few children in poverty and then come back to us." The clear implication being if I had raised children in poverty, I would likely change my mind about legalized abortion. But why would I change my mind about legalized abortion from raising children in poverty, unless the REASON for changing my mind is the implication that it would be better to kill them than raise them in poverty. Dance around it all you like, but YOU were the one who brought poverty into the discussion, as if raising children in poverty is justification for killing them before they are born.
We are killing Iraqi children - the US is - so doesn't matter if they are rich or poor. Killing them is same.
Yes, the U.S. has killed children in their military actions in Iraq. It is a tragedy: a sick and disgusting tragedy. But there are two points you miss on that equation. One, you assume all who support the rights of unborn children must also support the war in Iraq. You are wrong. There are those who do, and those who don't. They are separate issues. I do NOT support the Iraq war and never have.
Two: there is a vast difference between accidentally killing someone, be they adult or child, and INTENTIONALLY killing them. No action of the U.S. military has EVER deliberately killed a child. EVERY SINGLE abortion ever performed deliberately killed a human child.
3. Cells aren't human, and while abortion is not the best solution, you wingnut moralists do not support nor care for living children, you only care to remove a woman's right to decide her own life. When you support children living children, then you can preach, till then you remain a hypocrite.
And again you display your profound and deliberate ignorance of the basics of biological science. Either that or you are being deliberately clever with your wording. Cells are not human. The fertilized ovum of a human from the point of fertilization until death is a unique living organism of the species homo sapiens. In short, they are humans - proven by the science of biology.
As such, I
DO support living children. In fact, I do what I can to support ALL living children. Each and every child is precious. It is YOU who is the hypocrite because you deliberately ignore proven science to continue you lies about the condition of the unborn human child.
BTW: what do YOU do to support what YOU call living children, other than bitch about the nasty republicans?
"A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists estimates that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred.
Very sad, that. And completely unrelated to the topic of abortion, except for the fact that you cannot actually defend legal abortion, so you must resort to implying anyone against abortion must be a hypocrite for not caring about other children (an incorrect assumption anyway, but that is where pro abortionist must always end up when defending the indefensible - using bogus conclusions based on prejudiced and incorrect assumptions.)
"If you have ever wondered how a serial murderer -- a murderer who is sane and fully aware of the acts he has committed -- can remain steadfastly convinced of his own moral superiority and show not even the slightest glimmer of remorse, you should not wonder any longer.
But I do continue to wonder how someone who CLAIMS (though, considering the source, I believe it to be a political tool rather than actual personal concern) to grieve for children lost in war cannot also grieve for children deliberately killed for personal convenience.