Here is the deal- MOst people are going to vote for their own unique best interests.
Now, let me get a fact out of the way here, and that is pre-existing health conditions have no political party.
Almost every family has at least one family member or more with a life-long pre-existing health condition, and many of them were born with them.
So, mandating Insurance companies cover pre-existing health conditions is one area that becomes common ground between Republicans, Democrats, and Independent voters alike.
Sure- pre-existing conditions are an immediate assigned risk for Insurance companies to have to deal with, but, mandating that Insurance companies cover pre-existing conditions is now the standard for Insurance companies to be forced to deal with- irregardless as to whether they like it or not.
Covering pre-existing conditions was only half of the problem that Healthcare Insurance consumers were facing before Obamacare.
Before Obamacare, Insurance Companies were allowed to bump people who acquired certain health conditions off of their insurance. Yes, that's right, many insurance companies were getting by with bumping people off of their insurance the first time they needed it or used it- IE: such as women that became pregnant were dropped for no other reason other than they suddenly became an expense.
So, no matter how you feel about Obamacare, it was intended to look out for consumers best interests.
And if you are a healthcare provider doing business in the United States, you will deal with pre-existing conditions and newly acquired conditions, or you can go do your business in Russia or somewhere where you can be corrupt and get by with it.
But we have standards for Healthcare insurance in the United States now thanks to Obamacare.