A word to the wise (or just fake it)


I don't have to explain myself to anyone. All you "girls", throwing shade and pointing fingers...I have nothing for you. You're not here for discourse. You here to insult and destroy to make your miserable lives seem bearable. Don't blame Uncle Fred. Don't blame Aunt Suzy. Go look in a mirror, and figure out what went wrong.
And if you can't stand to look at it, how do you think others are suppose to stand it?
Crack open a book. Enroll in a class. Do something for yourself that is going to improve your lot.
You, coming up in here, and exposing the world to your stupidity, your lack of intelligence and aplomb, your failure to grasp lofty ideas, or being able to make sense of current affairs, cast you in a disparaging light, and no one else.
Lightweight and corny "comebacks" aren't the "way to the cross". You're impressing no one, save yourself. Stop. Just stop it.
Be constructive. Do something productive. Be enlightened. Say something worthwhile. Impart wisdom, or say nothing.
Better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth (or, in this case, type at a keyboard) and remove all doubt. I'm jus' sayin. Carry on.
He's still acting out his addictive behavior.

Why do you harass constantly. It is very scary how much you harass and stalk people on this forum, especially knowing what your occupation is, and hearing about your going on "collections". I bet you are one crazy son of ... In real life. It makes me concerned for those who encounter you.
Why do you harass constantly. It is very scary how much you harass and stalk people on this forum, especially knowing what your occupation is, and hearing about your going on "collections". I bet you are one crazy son of ... In real life. It makes me concerned for those who encounter you.

Why are you harassing me?
This message is hidden because USFREEDOM911 is on your ignore list.

In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't responded to a single post of yours, since my return. Why you keep trying to engage me, is baffling. There is nothing that you have to say, which would interest me. I've moved on. You haven't. Pathetic. The OP should tell you everything you need to know.
Why do you harass constantly. It is very scary how much you harass and stalk people on this forum, especially knowing what your occupation is, and hearing about your going on "collections". I bet you are one crazy son of ... In real life. It makes me concerned for those who encounter you.

He's a Zimmerman wanna be.
poet i have tried to have discourse with you in the past, but instead of trying to provide a retort, or even educate me, you instead just groaned me multiple times without contributing to the conversation. I don't think you are interested in discourse either, unless it's the type of discourse where someone already agrees with what you believe.
poet i have tried to have discourse with you in the past, but instead of trying to provide a retort, or even educate me, you instead just groaned me multiple times without contributing to the conversation. I don't think you are interested in discourse either, unless it's the type of discourse where someone already agrees with what you believe.

Aren't we all like that, how many times has discourse on here made you change your beliefs? I have only one issue where discourse has changed my mind.
poet i have tried to have discourse with you in the past, but instead of trying to provide a retort, or even educate me, you instead just groaned me multiple times without contributing to the conversation. I don't think you are interested in discourse either, unless it's the type of discourse where someone already agrees with what you believe.

No. From your "off-handed" remarks in the forum to your condescending tone of your private communiqués to me, I have nothing for you. Unless you're bringing discourse, don't ask for it. Who gives a flying fuck about agreeing with anyone. All you idiots and morons are so petty and whining and bitchy because someone doesn't agree with you and you can't understand it, and less, "take it". So what, I don't agree with you. If you go through life, you'll find folks disagreeing with you to be a common occurrence. Make sense. Talk logic and reason, and more times than not, folks will agree with you. Good God Amighty. Heaven forbid a crisis befalls you.....you'd crack like a potato chip.
poet I dont mind you not agreeing with me. I just find it hypocritical that you implore people to participate in discourse, but whenever someone challenges you on a belief you hold, you mentally shut down, offer no substantive retort or dialogue, and go into message board hermit mode.
No. From your "off-handed" remarks in the forum to your condescending tone of your private communiqués to me, I have nothing for you. Unless you're bringing discourse, don't ask for it. Who gives a flying fuck about agreeing with anyone. All you idiots and morons are so petty and whining and bitchy because someone doesn't agree with you and you can't understand it, and less, "take it". So what, I don't agree with you. If you go through life, you'll find folks disagreeing with you to be a common occurrence. Make sense. Talk logic and reason, and more times than not, folks will agree with you. Good God Amighty. Heaven forbid a crisis befalls you.....you'd crack like a potato chip.

Grind sends me condescending personal communiques all the time. Don't take it personally. He is just a condescending, arrogant, prick. (I mean that as a compliment Grind!)
Really, what is one example? I am really curious.

ummm off the top of my head, gay rights. in the old days I would support civil unions, but that was about it, and it was begrudgingly. But now I support gay rights out of a matter of conscience.

I also used to be much more of a hardliner on crime/punishment, but I've done a 180 on most of that.

I used to be the type of libertarian that thought privatization was the answer to everything, but now I don't think that at all and find it very misguided.

i know there is other stuff, just can't think right now. Got an hour of sleep last night.