A word to the wise (or just fake it)

ummm off the top of my head, gay rights. in the old days I would support civil unions, but that was about it, and it was begrudgingly. But now I support gay rights out of a matter of conscience.

I also used to be much more of a hardliner on crime/punishment, but I've done a 180 on most of that.

I used to be the type of libertarian that thought privatization was the answer to everything, but now I don't think that at all and find it very misguided.

i know there is other stuff, just can't think right now. Got an hour of sleep last night.

Interesting...so you've moved to the left. Education will do that to you! ;)
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In case you hadn't noticed, I haven't responded to a single post of yours, since my return. Why you keep trying to engage me, is baffling. There is nothing that you have to say, which would interest me. I've moved on. You haven't. Pathetic. The OP should tell you everything you need to know.

Yeah; you just want to open your pie hole and make cowardly comments.
And you're still a bigotted, racist, liar.
poet I dont mind you not agreeing with me. I just find it hypocritical that you implore people to participate in discourse, but whenever someone challenges you on a belief you hold, you mentally shut down, offer no substantive retort or dialogue, and go into message board hermit mode.

brilliant. poet always runs away from actual debate.
Really, what is one example? I am really curious.

My participation on this forum (and its predecessors) changed my mind on a number of issues as well. I started out as a libertarian on politics.com in 2003, shifted dramatically to the extreme right (basically a theocrat), and finally drifted to left-libertarian which is where I reside now. Since rejoining this forum in October 2010, I've also come to accept evolution. How I managed to get around the fact that 99.8% of natural scientists accept the theory is simply beyond me.

Religiously speaking, I consider myself more or less an agnostic.

I used to think people should have their hands chopped off for stealing, and that doctors who perform abortions should be executed. I've come a long ways since then.
My participation on this forum (and its predecessors) changed my mind on a number of issues as well. I started out as a libertarian on politics.com in 2003, shifted dramatically to the extreme right (basically a theocrat), and finally drifted to left-libertarian which is where I reside now. Since rejoining this forum in October 2010, I've also come to accept evolution. How I managed to get around the fact that 99.8% of natural scientists accept the theory is simply beyond me.

Religiously speaking, I consider myself more or less an agnostic.

I used to think people should have their hands chopped off for stealing, and that doctors who perform abortions should be executed. I've come a long ways since then.

We (the Trinity) are different though, in that not only are we divine, but we have the blessing of youth, that allows us the chance to change our minds, unlike the profligate Boomers and Xers.