Abby Hornacek Joins Fox News

“You people” is a micro aggression archive.

She’s a Trojan. American’s celebrate greatness. USC = greatness.

This a hater free thread my man. If you don’t want to celebrate USC (American) greatness you are free not to but don’t complain about it.

USC? Have they ever recovered from Vince Young’s visit?
My parents would back your support of his alma mater.
We pick on YourAmi grads too. I mean I don’t know about you but if my parents have the Jack to pay for a high end private college in Ohio I’m going to Case Western Reserve, Dennison or Oberlin. YourAmi is a good school but it’s not any better than the other State U’s in the area. Case Western is probably the best value in academia or at least it used to be. Don’t know how much it costs now.
BTW...Just curious. Have you read Hillbilly Elegy yet?

Oh yeah! Read it over a year ago. Amazing book. I'm kicking myself for drawing a blank on which City it is but my mom said she taught kindergarten in it her first year after graduating from Miami. He wrote about it in the book, I think he lived there. And my mom, who also read the book, totally agreed with his take on what happened there.
We pick on YourAmi grads too. I mean I don’t know about you but if my parents have the Jack to pay for a high end private college in Ohio I’m going to Case Western Reserve, Dennison or Oberlin. YourAmi is a good school but it’s not any better than the other State U’s in the area. Case Western is probably the best value in academia or at least it used to be. Don’t know how much it costs now.

LOL! Damn Mott, so much hatred! So my dad actually went on tennis scholarship to Miami. How about this story to talk about the difference in costs of college today compared to then. After his final match his junior year (they were playing a school in Michigan) he and some teammates stayed and partied somewhere for a couple of days instead coming straight back to campus. He was kicked off the team and lost his scholarship as a result. He was so afraid to tell his parents he took three jobs his senior year to pay for his tuition (while still telling his folks he was on the team).

There is no way a college student today earn enough money from three jobs to pay their way through school (or at least a non state school).
Oh yeah! Read it over a year ago. Amazing book. I'm kicking myself for drawing a blank on which City it is but my mom said she taught kindergarten in it her first year after graduating from Miami. He wrote about it in the book, I think he lived there. And my mom, who also read the book, totally agreed with his take on what happened there.
Middletown and I can vouch for it’s accuracy. I lived or worked in that area for five years. It’s where I learned my prejudice against Hillbillies.
LOL! Damn Mott, so much hatred! So my dad actually went on tennis scholarship to Miami. How about this story to talk about the difference in costs of college today compared to then. After his final match his junior year (they were playing a school in Michigan) he and some teammates stayed and partied somewhere for a couple of days instead coming straight back to campus. He was kicked off the team and lost his scholarship as a result. He was so afraid to tell his parents he took three jobs his senior year to pay for his tuition (while still telling his folks he was on the team).

There is no way a college student today earn enough money from three jobs to pay their way through school (or at least a non state school).

They couldn’t even do what I did. Pay for just tuition, via loans, and work to pay for room and board. The cost of housing has skyrocketed too. I kept my education cost reasonable by low end housing as I lived mostly in one room in a boardinghouse. I don’t know if they even have those anymore.