You been watching too much FOX NEWS!
ANTIFA has only one agenda- STANDING UP TO FASCISM!
The term itself stands for ANTI-FASCISM!
Trump started the Conspiracy Theory after FAR-RIGHTWING EXTREMISTS GATHERED AND MARCHED THROUGH CHARLOTTSVILLE on a HATE MARCH, and they were met with resistance. TRUMP inaccurately referred to the resistance as ANTIFA, and any resistance to any EXTREME RIGHT-WING demonstrations anywhere since, has been inaccurately referred to by FOX NEWS and other EXTREME RIGHT WING MEDIA as ANTIFA.
The Truth is- when Trump lies, the RIGHT-WING media has to tell another 1,000 lies to be able to live Donald Trump's ridiculous lies and keep them going in the heads of idiots, like you, that believe every fucking thing that the LYING SON-OF-A-BITCH DONALD TRUMP SAYS!!
For Trump to say that resistance to him and his cult following are all ANTIFA- actually also implies that him and his followers are FASCISTS!
I do not argue that this is the case, but it does demonstrate how stupid and ignorant TRUMP and his followers are for using that term to refer to TRUMP's resistance.
ANTIFA is just another retard's boogyman and catchphrase now!