Abolish Juries


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The Chauvin verdict adds one more reason to eliminate juries.



The Verdict Is in on Derek Chauvin. An Appeal Is Sure to Follow.
By Victoria Taft
Apr 20, 2021 5:40 PM ET


NOTE: In the unlikely event a black cop is ever arrested and tried like Derek Chauvin the black cop would take a walk on appeal.

Take this one to the bank. Judges and lawyers decide every criminal case before the trial begins —— everything that is done in a courtroom is Kabuki theater performed for jurors and for public consumption. The same is true of appeals. No appeals court will vote against the government’s political agenda.

All of the legal bullshit lawyers have been spreading around for hundreds of years cannot sell the myth that juries are sacrosanct. If it was left to me I would do away with the jury system and let government judges decide every case. They do it anyway. In short: Do away with juries and Americans will finally see that the administration of law is rotten to the core with or without juries because the entire judicial system has been turned upside down.

I doubt if all of those convicted murderers being set free are not guilty twenty years after being convicted. There is too much room for bribery and tampering with evidence to convince me that so many prosecutors made so many mistakes. Or maybe juries made all of those mistakes which does not say much for the jury system.


Whenever the anti-death penalty crowd cannot find bribery, or tampering with evidence, they fallback on Supreme Court judges playing the race card:

WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court struck down a black inmate’s murder convictions and death sentence because the white man who prosecuted him on behalf of Mississippi unconstitutionally excluded blacks from the jury at his final trial and at others that preceded it.

Curtis Giovanni Flowers (pictured above), 49, was condemned to death for murdering four employees of the now-closed Tardy Furniture store during a 1996 robbery in Winona, Mississippi, a small town with a population of 5,000.

Three of Flowers’s victims were white; one was black. Two trials ended in hung juries. Convictions from three trials were reversed because prosecutor Doug Evans, a Democrat, violated Batson v. Kentucky, a 1986 Supreme Court decision that forbids a state from using its peremptory challenges to exclude jurors because of their race. A peremptory challenge is one that a lawyer doesn’t have to justify in court.

Supreme Court strikes down murder convictions on grounds of racial bias
By Matthew Vadum
June 25, 2019


A lot of jury verdicts are overturned on appeal. There is one overriding reason to eliminate every vestige of participation in the hands of juries. Absolute control over the administration of the law generates income for the second oldest profession. Lawyers losing any part of control is a threat to the incomes throughout the legal profession.

NOTE: Prostitution is the oldest profession. A cynic might say that lawyers were the first pimps.


A juror is not supposed to vote his conscience, while our self-appointed spiritual leader did everything based on his conscience. The Chicago sewer rat ignored laws although his oath of office demanded the opposite. He wrote unlawful EOs, and ordered his bureaucrats to write and enforce regulations that deny everybody else a day in court.

A juror is not supposed to vote his conscience, while our recent self-appointed spiritual leader did everything based on his conscience. Everything Obama —— who campaigned as a spiritual leader —— did was based on his personal moral code. He is still doing it:

Obama Praises Jury for Finding Chauvin Guilty of Murder in George Floyd’s Death
Bradley Cortright
April 20, 2021


Bottom line: Jurors must never tell the government what it cannot do, while collectivist judges can only govern by telling the American people what they must do.


Jury-nullification activist: Let's ask jurors if I 'tampered'
Posted By Bob Unruh On 12/19/2015 @ 7:17 pm


Lawyers are the law. To be more precise judges are lawyers. After lawyers become judges they somehow acquire the authority to tell LAW-ABIDING Americans how to behave, and they do it without benefit of legislation. The way the Constitution itself is violated with impunity by all those lawyers in Congress, on the Supreme Court, and on every level of government, the law has become nothing more than law for lawyers.

There is one jury situation that nobody talks about.

I long-suspected that the government puts at least one double-agent on the jury in important cases. Such a person needs the institutional skills necessary to dominate a small group until the other jurors vote the government’s way. Example: Labor union officials were skilled at dominating recalcitrant members attending a union meeting.

Also, a government plant could notify the judge when an hard-nosed juror had to be replaced under one pretext or another.

A hung jury is the government’s fallback strategy.

Nothing is going to eliminate the monumental flaws in our jury system. Too many lawyers make too much money to expect all of those lawyers in Congress to change anything. I am more interested in nullifying the concept of judges having the authority to tell law-abiding citizens how they must behave irrespective of an occasional victory for the good guys:

A federal appeals court in Denver has affirmed a ruling allowing the distribution of pamphlets about jury nullification – defined as a verdict on the law itself rather than on the defendant – to their “intended audience,” the jurors.

Judges give big boost to 'jury nullification' pamphleteers
Posted By Bob Unruh On 04/14/2016 @ 8:47 pm


In every election cycle media spends half of their coverage trying to increase the number of Americans who vote. The entertainment industry produces countless movies and TV shows extolling the power of juries in criminal cases. In real life the government controls the outcome of elections 99 percent of the time —— 100 percent in jury trials.

In real life judges/lawyers do not give a rat’s ass what jurors think or decide.

See number 8 permalink in this thread:

Here is another lawyer commandment that needs repealing:



All of the legal bullshit lawyers have been spreading around for hundreds of years could not sell the myth that says jury verdicts are sacrosanct. If it was left to me I would do away with the jury system and let government judges decide every case. They do it anyway. In short: Do away with juries and Americans would finally see that the administration of law is rotten to the core with or without juries.

Finally, how about giving my suggestion a chance to trump the race card.

Black judges and all-black jurors hearing every case where a black man is accused of killing a white man.

White judges and all-white jurors hearing every case where a white man is accused of killing a black man.

My suggestion will not guarantee verdicts decided by evidence, but it sure as hell will provide an equal playing field.

Alas, whites not playing by the same rules black racists laid down a long time ago is a flaw in my suggestion. In short: Touchy-feely judges will always let blacks like Curtis Giovanni Flowers beat the rap on appeal, while a white perp will always get strapped to a Gurney.


Let me go astray in closing.

Just to be on clear. There is no objection to killing Muslims trying to kill you, while Constitution-loving Americans would cut their own throats if they fight to replace one religion with another. Americans must defeat Islam as a matter of self-defense, but they must not do it for Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, Socialism, democracy, the United Nations, and certainly not for the New World Order. Fighting for their country is the only thing Americans should fight for.


Government scum —— especially the number of lawyers in Congress —— all act like priests; so lets not get all bent out of shape when Christian priests are killed in Muslim countries. To me, every priest is the same in or out of uniform.

In every country and every age, the priest had been hostile to Liberty. Thomas Jefferson

History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance, of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes. Thomas Jefferson --Letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813
LOL, let's just throw out the whole fucking Constitution and replace it with a White Man Rules constitution. It's just amazing how much you hate your country and the principles on which it was founded.
let's just throw out the whole fucking Constitution and replace it with a White Man Rules constitution.

To Concart: Asshole. Courts and WHITE JUDGES are throwing out the U.S. Constitution.

Lawyers are the law. To be more precise judges are lawyers. After lawyers become judges they somehow acquire the authority to tell LAW-ABIDING Americans how to behave, and they do it without benefit of legislation. The way the Constitution itself is violated with impunity by all those lawyers in Congress, on the Supreme Court, and on every level of government, the law has become nothing more than law for lawyers.​

In fact, one of your icons wanted to scrap it:

The Chauvin verdict adds one more reason to eliminate juries.

stupidest post of the year...........right there. The jury of our peers is the last non violent bulwark against government oppression and demanding that it be abolished is the absolute height of authoritarianism from someone who doesn't have a fucking clue about why the founders created our free nation

The Chauvin verdict adds one more reason to eliminate juries.

I am a loyal Trump supporter.

The officer in Minneapolis had a duty to deliver the handcuffed person safely to jail. He failed in this duty. And the suspect died as a result of the officer's negligence.
'Nope! Done': Tucker Shuts Down Interview with Ed Gavin
Leah Barkoukis
Posted: Apr 21, 2021 4:00 P


" Can we trust the way this decision was made?"


Please stop trying to conflate two separate issues.

" Can we trust the way this decision was made?" Hell NO.

This should be investigated.

But, the issue of the officer's culpability in the suspect's death is undeniable. He deserved to be found guilty of AT LEAST one of the three charges.

What is "depraved heart" murder?

I am a loyal Trump supporter.

To Drummie123: I am not. I am an archconservative.

the suspect died as a result of the officer's negligence.

To Dummie123: Black race hustlers did not include negligence in the charges —— third-degree murder, second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

Please stop trying to conflate two separate issues.

To Dummie123: Aside from the fact I determine what I say, the title of this thread should have given you a clue.

This should be investigated.

To Dummie123. Damn big of you to admit it.

He deserved to be found guilty of AT LEAST one of the three charges.

To Dummie123: He was convicted of all three. The corrupt court did not convict Derek Chauvin of negligence.

What is "depraved heart" murder?

To Drummie123: Touchy-feely liberal horseshit.
To Drummie123: I am not. I am an archconservative.

To Dummie123: Black race hustlers did not include negligence in the charges —— third-degree murder, second-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

To Dummie123: Aside from the fact I determine what I say, the title of this thread should have given you a clue.

To Dummie123. Damn big of you to admit it.

To Dummie123: He was convicted of all three. The corrupt court did not convict Derek Chauvin of negligence.

To Drummie123: Touchy-feely liberal horseshit.

You really should have better sense than to challenge my comments. My replies to you would help the Leftists attack you in the future.
stupidest post of the year...........right there. The jury of our peers is the last non violent bulwark against government oppression and demanding that it be abolished is the absolute height of authoritarianism from someone who doesn't have a fucking clue about why the founders created our free nation

View attachment 19725

Which is why grad juries keep indicting trump cohorts

And finding them guilty in cases
Yet another reason liberals have abandoned this forum. Daily racism.

It’s just the Russo bot holes don’t sleep, eat or have lives

The left posters are enjoying the better weather and getting ready for summer

They are out getting vaccinated and feeling free

The right don’t have real lives
I am a loyal Trump supporter.

The officer in Minneapolis had a duty to deliver the handcuffed person safely to jail. He failed in this duty. And the suspect died as a result of the officer's negligence.

And he murdered Mr Floyd because Mr Floyd was a black man

He is an example of the racists who have invaded our police force due to evil practices by the police union
You really should have better sense than to challenge my comments. My replies to you would help the Leftists attack you in the future.

To Dummie123: You lost me when you said you are a loyal Trump supporter. To me, there is not a lot of difference between Democrats and establishment Republicans. In fact, I would take the gas pipe before I would vote for a Democrat. On the other hand, when the candidate is not conservative enough for me I stay home.

NOTE: I voted for Sarah Palin not John McCain.

I did not vote when Mitt Romney was the candidate.

I did vote for Trump in 2016 because Hillary Clinton was his opponent.

I did not vote in 2020 because Trump did not do a single thing for conservatism or conservatives.


Biden —— 81,284,666 votes (51.3%)

Trump —— 74,224,319 votes (46.8%)

Biden’s ‘official vote total’ would have been higher than Trump’s in 2020 regardless of the number of Americans who voted for him. Had Trump received 100,000,000, votes on the square, Biden would have received 100,000, 001 votes on the crook. The fix was in from top to bottom.

To Dummie123: You lost me when you said you are a loyal Trump supporter. To me, there is not a lot difference between Democrats and establishment Republicans. In fact, I would take the gas pipe before I would vote a Democrat. On the other hand, when the candidate is not conservative enough for me I stay home.

NOTE: I voted for Sarah Palin not John McCain.

I did not vote when Mitt Romney was the candidate.

I did vote for Trump in 2016 because Hillary Clinton was his opponent.

I did not vote in 2020 because Trump did not do a single thing for conservatism or conservatives.


Biden —— 81,284,666 votes (51.3%)

Trump —— 74,224,319 votes (46.8%)

Biden’s ‘official vote total’ would have been higher than Trump’s in 2020 regardless of the number of Americans who voted for him. Had Trump received 100,000,000, votes on the square, Biden would have received 100,000, 001 votes on the crook. The fix was in from top to bottom.

The political distinctions you make might be strongly felt, but this past election was a zero sum game.

Zero-Sum Game - Investopedia
Search domain www.investopedia.com/terms/z/zero-sumgame.asphttps://www.investopedia.com/terms/z/zero-sumgame.asp
Key Takeaways A zero-sum game is a situation where, if one party loses, the other party wins, and the net change in wealth is zero

By NOT supporting Trump, you helped Biden win by at least one vote.
While I have nothing good to say about Poppies, the OP, I have served on juries.
Not impressed.

First of all, getting off jury duty is the easiest thing to do in the world.
You only serve when you're fucking bored and have nothing better to do.
While in deliberations, they buy you lunch.
Who doesn't like free lunch?

If the overall education level of the panel isn't high in Massachusetts, I shudder to think what it must be in Middle America.
All you have to do is wear a suit to court, and you will be dismissed. One of the two sides doesn't want you.

If I were guilty, I'd demand a jury trial. 50/50, they'll make a mistake.

If I were innocent, I'd waive a jury trial. The fucking judge is a professional who knows what the fuck he/she is doing.

This is at least true in the states where judges are appointed by competent people.
In shitkicker states where judges are elected, it's a shot in the fucking dark, I have to admit.