Abolish Juries

To Dummie123: You lost me when you said you are a loyal Trump supporter. To me, there is not a lot of difference between Democrats and establishment Republicans. In fact, I would take the gas pipe before I would vote for a Democrat. On the other hand, when the candidate is not conservative enough for me I stay home.

NOTE: I voted for Sarah Palin not John McCain.

I did not vote when Mitt Romney was the candidate.

I did vote for Trump in 2016 because Hillary Clinton was his opponent.

I did not vote in 2020 because Trump did not do a single thing for conservatism or conservatives.


Biden —— 81,284,666 votes (51.3%)

Trump —— 74,224,319 votes (46.8%)

Biden’s ‘official vote total’ would have been higher than Trump’s in 2020 regardless of the number of Americans who voted for him. Had Trump received 100,000,000, votes on the square, Biden would have received 100,000, 001 votes on the crook. The fix was in from top to bottom.
