Abort all fetuses.


Either you can diffuse my counterarguments to your arguments or you can't... So far you have shown that all you can do is run away like a little girl.

You can bullshit yourself. Just don't bullshit me. I told you to pick one of the things that I said that you were most sure was wrong. The one thing you were most sure there was no possibility of my being able to refute. I would reply to it. You refused to do so. So it is you who is running away like a little girl.
So basically.
You seem to have started threads that are about getting rid of almost everything on the planet.

Either you are a MAJOR troll.

Or you (possibly) - are just waiting for your gun wait time to end so you can commence a major, mass shooting.

Or maybe you are just nuts but otherwise harmless.

Let's hope the first and/or the last.

My thread said what it said. You can either agree or disagree with any or all of it.
You can bullshit yourself. Just don't bullshit me. I told you to pick one of the things that I said that you were most sure was wrong. The one thing you were most sure there was no possibility of my being able to refute. I would reply to it. You refused to do so. So it is you who is running away like a little girl.
I've already replied to EVERYTHING that you've said, dumbass. Why would I need to pick one?

It's YOU who has run away by not replying to any of my counterarguments to your drivel, dumbass.

Is projection all you have?
they're living human fetuses.

life begins at conception. that's biology not bible-thumping.

The life of a mother is more important than the life of a fetus. That's just the way it goes. Also, is an egg a chicken? Is a tree seed a tree? Here is another point. There was a book written called "Freakonomics." One of the things they spoke about was when Roe vs Wade decision made abortions legal. Years later when if they had been born and reached an age at which they might have started committing crimes, there was a drop in crime. It is very likely because children who the mothers didn't want to have didn't end up living a life where their mothers didn't want them. And those living such a life would be more likely to commit crimes.
The life of a mother is more important than the life of a fetus. That's just the way it goes. Also, is an egg a chicken? Is a tree seed a tree? Here is another point. There was a book written called "Freakonomics." One of the things they spoke about was when Roe vs Wade decision made abortions legal. Years later when if they had been born and reached an age at which they might have started committing crimes, there was a drop in crime. It is very likely because children who the mothers didn't want to have didn't end up living a life where their mothers didn't want them. And those living such a life would be more likely to commit crimes.

nazis have lots of eugenics justifications.
I've already replied to EVERYTHING that you've said, dumbass. Why would I need to pick one?

It's YOU who has run away by not replying to any of my counterarguments to your drivel, dumbass.

Is projection all you have?

Yeah. You replied with rounds of stupidity. I have better things to do than reply to the stupid. And wasn't it you that in about response number three said that the coronavirus didn't kill people? Or something very similar. You really expect me to reply to such stupidity? You think you were right? How many people were "supposedly" dying from the coronavirus before it even came to this country. But after it got here, things changed. Didn't it.
nazis have lots of eugenics justifications.

Now you're just tossing things at the wall to see if they stick. What do eggs or seeds have to do with eugenics. And with what I mentioned about a drop in crime, from what I remember, ethnicity didn't have anything to do with the statistics.
Now you're just tossing things at the wall to see if they stick. What do eggs or seeds have to do with eugenics. And with what I mentioned about a drop in crime, from what I remember, ethnicity didn't have anything to do with the statistics.

eugenics doesn't necessarily have anything to do with ethnicity.

equal opportunity murder isn't enlightenment.
They didn't actually murder anyone.
...yet....or, as far as we know.

Terrorist fuckwads, liars and pedophiles fill out Trump's Pedo Party.

From watching old movies in the past, I found out that they had a term for those who were well off. They called them "Swells." Because for them, everything was just swell. As in good or fine. From what I have seen, most forums are almost completely populated by such people. But they aren't the majority. And for others like me, life has been one big shit sandwitch. I have gone through HELL! Did I deserve it? I don't think so. So I speak out against what I find fault with. And let the chips fall where they may.

what's your story, bro?
did you see the zuckerberg said the FBI made him censor americans?

No. Now ask me if I give a fuck what the pedos on Facebook are doing, suicideboy.

You still have a driver's license, amirite? Do you drive for anyone? Are you making routine deliveries for them?
No. Now ask me if I give a fuck what the pedos on Facebook are doing, suicideboy.

You still have a driver's license, amirite? Do you drive for anyone? Are you making routine deliveries for them?

do you give a fuck that the FBI is forcing corporations to censor for political reasons?

way to miss the big picture, dumbass.

be honest one fucking time.